Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019)

not a programming language and three arguments for why it is. 4. Read more about responsive design using the link given in the text. Provide the links to three websites that use responsive design and explain how they demonstrate responsive-design behavior. Labs 1. Here’s a Python program for you to analyze. The code below deals with a person’s weight and height. See if you can guess what will be printed and then try running the code in a Python interpreter such as measurements = (8, 20) print ("Original measurements:")

for measurement in measurements: print(measurement)

measurements = (170, 72) print ("\nModified measurements:")

for measurement in measurements: print(measurement)

2. Here’s a broken Java program for you to analyze. The code below deals with calculating tuition, multiplying the tuition rate and the number of credits taken. The number of credits is entered by the user of the program. The code below is broken and gives the incorrect answer. Review the problem below and determine what it would output if the user entered “6” for the Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019) pg. 230

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