Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019)

business has its own website or relies on a third-party, such as Amazon or eBay, the question of whether or not to globalize must be carefully considered.

Sidebar: How Does My Internet Speed Compare? How does your Internet speed compare with others in the world? The following chart shows how Internet speeds compare in different countries. You can find the full list of countries by going to this article . You can also compare the evolution of Internet speeds among countries by using this tool .

The Countries with the Fastest Internet Meandownloadspeedin Megabitsper second·(in Mbps)

Singapore ­ Sweden :: Denmark :: Norway•

60 .39


43 .99



Romania I I Belgium I I Netherlands = Luxembourg= Hungary = Switzerland C

36.71 35.95



29.92 Selected other countries 25.86 = = = =- 24.00 19.48 18.57 11.69

United States

Germany ­

Canada M United Kingdom m Australia •

®© 0

* Download speed IHI <Wt.IColltcted by M·UbfromJune 2017 to May 2018

statista !':.ii


Comparison of top world Internet speeds in 2019. Source: fastest-internet/ (click to enlarge)

So how does your own Internet speed compare? There are many Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019) pg. 240

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