Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019)

Study Questions

1. What does the term globalization mean? 2. How does Friedman define the three eras of globalization? 3. Which technologies have had the biggest effect on globalization? 4. What are some of the advantages brought about by globalization? 5. What are the challenges of globalization? 6. What perspective does Ghemawat provide regarding globalization in his book World 3.0 ? 7. What does the term digital divide mean? 8. What are Jakob Nielsen’s three stages of the digital divide? 9. What was one of the key points of The Rise of the Network Society ? 10. Which country has the highest average Internet speed? How does your country compare?


1. Compare the concept of Friedman’s “Globalization 3.0 ″ with Nielsen empowerment stage of the digital divide. 2. Do some original research to determine some of the regulations that a US company may have to consider before doing business in one of the following countries: China, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Turkey. 3. Give one example of the digital divide and describe what you would do to address it. 4. How did the research conducted by Paul Kim address the three levels of the digital divide? Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019) pg. 247

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