sound processing, which previously required separate components. The motherboard provides much of the bus of the computer (the term bus refers to the electrical connections between different computer components). The bus is an important factor in determining the computer’s speed – the combination of how fast the bus can transfer data and the number of data bits that can be moved at one time determine the speed. The traces shown in the image are on the underside of the motherboard and provide connections between motherboard components. Random-Access Memory When a computer boots, it begins to load information on from storage into its working memory. This working memory, called Random- Access Memory (RAM), can transfer data much faster than the hard disk. Any program that you are running on the computer is loaded into RAM for processing. In order for a computer to work effectively, some minimal amount of RAM must be installed. In most cases, adding more RAM will allow the computer to run faster. Another characteristic of RAM is that it is “volatile.” This means that it can store data as long as it is receiving power. When the computer is turned off, any data stored in RAM is lost.
RAM is generally installed in a personal computer through the use
of a Double Data Rate (DDR) memory module. The type of DDR accepted into a computer
DDR4 Memory
is dependent upon the motherboard. There have been basically four generations of DDR: DDR1, DDR2, DDR3, and DDR4. Each generation runs faster than the previous with DDR4 capable of speeds twice as fast as DDR3 while consuming less voltage. Hard Disk While the RAM is used as working memory, the computer also Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019) pg. 29
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