Triple Clear_Flip Book


Testing by BCS Labs (1/2/14), #1401002

Percent removal of the challenge species by the filter initially and following the passage of the indicated volume (liters) of laboratory grade reagent water

Challenge Species: Triple Clear 2.5” Force Field™ Gravity Camp Filters

Filter Influent Average Concentration

1.0 liter

10.0 liter

25.0 liter

50.0 liter

3.45 x 10 5 cfu/ml





Bacteria: Raoultella terrgena

3.45 x 10 5 pfu/ml





Virus: MS-2 Bacteriophage

1.8 x 10 4 spheres/ml





e: 3.0 micron microspheres

* No species were detected in the filter effluent for the duplicate samples analyzed. Filter effluent samples were analyzed in duplicates at the minimum following collection.

Triple Clear filters have been tested by an independent, certified laboratory using accepted test methods for the reduction of pathogens using filtration devices. The industry established test methods define the contaminants, their concentration, and how the test should be conducted. The challenge solution used in testing the Triple Clear filter contained virus concentration of 3.65 x 105 (3,650,000 virus) per milliliter of water. Bacteria concentration was 3.45 x 105 (3,450,000 bacteria) per milliliter of water. This would be a total of 70.5 TRILLION pathogens in a liter of water! To help put this number into perspective, it would be similar to the discharge of a municipal sewage treatment plant or that of a highly polluted river such as the Ganges. It is unlikely that any of us will be using water this contaminated as a source. Total pathogen load from a “typical” mountain stream may be as high a 1.0 x 102 per milliliter or 100,000 per liter of water or 70,000 times less concentrated than the defined test solution. Although if you are in a situation where you must use water from a questionable source, Triple Clear Filters will produce many liters of safe water. The Triple Clear filter acts both as a particulate filter and as an electroadsorbent filter. Depending on the laboratory test method the Triple Clear media can be plugged with pure solutions of humic acid, bacteria or particulates to the point where water will no longer flow through the media under normal operating pressure of the device. Triple Clear will also adsorb dissolved contaminants such as lead, cadmium, iron, certain forms of arsenic, zinc and others that pass through hollow fiber and other mechanical filters. In the real world no water stream is “pure”. All waters contain some mix of contamination that will eventually cause any filter to fail to reduce one contaminant or the other. This is why Triple Clear has designed a family of filters to allow the user to select the best combination of

Made in a WQA Gold Seal Certified facility.

Assembled in an

ISO9001 Certified Facility

MADE IN U.S.A. Patent Pending

filters for their particular application. * The level of turbidity in the water influences filter life.




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