Kona Reef Guest Directory


Pool and Jacuzzi:

other such objects shall be permitted in the pool. 9. San d, di r t , et c., sh al l be washed off before entering the pool or Jacuzzi. 10. Any person having any skin disease,open sore,inflamed eyes, nasal or ear discharges or any communicable disease shall not use the pool or Jacuzzi. 11. If you observe rules being broken please contact the Resident Manager. *W e offer chairs,boogie boar ds, cool er s an d um brellas for rent. Cost is $7/day or $25/week.

permitted in the pool area.W hen you leave the pool area please take with you all the articles brought by you. allowed to climb over the fences. You should have your pool key with you at all times. 6. No running,pushing 5. No one,whether guest or owner,is or scuffling shall be permitted around the pool. 7. No loud noises, yelling or music shall be permitted in the cabana or pool area. No Bluetooth speakers.

1. Pool and Jacuzzi hours are from 8:00 AM -10:00 PM . Please turn off the Jacuzzi if you are the last person out. 2. The owners and guests in each condo are limited to 2 visitors at the pool on any given day. On l y own er s, gu est s and their visitors are permitted in the pool, Jacuzzi and the Cabana. 3. Furniture other than that provided by the association shall not be used in said area and furniture provided by the Association must not be removed from said area. 4. No breakable containers are

Headphones only. 8. No body-boards, su r fboar ds, i n fl at ed floating devices or


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