Youngstown 2024

Community Training and Support: Taking a holistic approach, the coalition provides and sponsors training sessions for various community groups, law enforcement agencies, faith-based institutions, and parents. These sessions focus on imparting essential skills and strategies to prevent youth substance use, empowering community members to play an active role in safeguarding the well-being of the younger generation. Needs Assessments and Outreach Efforts: To better understand the evolving needs of the community, the coalition conducts comprehensive community-wide needs assessments. Through targeted literature distribution, neighborhood canvassing, and compliance checks, the coalition gathers valuable insights and data to inform its prevention initiatives effectively. By orchestrating these initiatives, the Coalition for Health Promotion aims to foster a safer, healthier community where youth are shielded from the temptations of substance use, and adults are equipped to make informed choices regarding substance consumption.

For those seeking more information on the Coalition for Health Promotion (CFHP) and its impactful initiatives, a visit to their website offers a deeper insight into their mission, activities, and the profound impact they are making in building a resilient and substance- free community. The Coalition for Health Promotion stands as a shining example of community collaboration and proactive intervention in addressing substance abuse issues. Through their dedication to environmental prevention services and community empowerment, UMADAOP Youngstown's coalition is paving the way for a brighter and healthier future for all residents of Youngstown.

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