Youngstown 2024

UMADAOP Youngstown's Holistic Approach to Substance Misuse Prevention

U MADAOP Youngstown is at the forefront of empowering and supporting the community through a range of innovative programs aimed at tackling substance misuse effectively. Among these initiatives is the Willing to Serve (WTS) program, a gender-specific school-based effort that targets inner-city female youth and adolescents aged 10 to 18. By implementing interventions like LST, TGFV, and SC, WTS provides tailored support to address the unique needs of this demographic. The Prevention Infrastructure Enhancement Project (PIEP) is another cornerstone initiative by UMADAOP Youngstown, offering a comprehensive set of activities to combat substance misuse on multiple fronts. From enhancing the local prevention infrastructure to workforce development strategies, comprehensive needs assessments, and training to reduce prescription drug misuse, PIEP is a multifaceted approach that aims to create a resilient and informed community.

UMADAOP Youngstown's commitment extends to providing re-entry services for youth involved with the juvenile court system, focusing on those soon to be released. Utilizing curricula such as Creating Lasting Families Connections (CLFC) and Circle For Recovery Ohio, these services offer vital support during the crucial transition period, fostering growth and stability for these individuals. UMADAOP Youngstown's community services arm plays a pivotal role in training community members, educators, and prevention professionals in strategies to combat substance misuse effectively. Through environmental prevention services, informational campaigns, media activities, needs assessments, and additional support services, UMADAOP Youngstown is actively working towards creating a healthier and safer community for all its residents. UMADAOP Youngstown's dedication to providing drug-free alternatives is evident through engaging activities such as field trips, youth leadership conferences, and community service initiatives. These activities not only offer wholesome alternatives but also instill leadership skills and foster a sense of community among the youth, steering them away from substance misuse.

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