Youngstown 2024

T he DFF Movement has a profound mission: to rally young individuals to dedicate their efforts towards creating a world free from the devastating impacts of drug use and violence. This mission is not just a lofty goal but a tangible call to action aimed at mobilizing Ohio youth residing in cities across the state, uniting them under a common purpose of promoting drug-free and violence-free lifestyles. The core tenets of the DFF Movement revolve around key principles: Youth Mobilization : The movement strives to organize and mobilize young individuals to drive meaningful change within their communities. By empowering youth to take a stand against drug use and violence, the DFF Movement aims to create a ripple effect of positive transformation. Commitment to Wellness: DFF advocates for a lifestyle dedicated to being drug and violence-free, emphasizing that such choices pave the way for a healthier and safer existence. Through this dedication, youth increase their chances of leading fulfilling and prosperous lives. Empowerment through Education: A fundamental aspect of the DFF Movement is to equip young people with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to enact effective change. By building their capacity to make a difference, youth are empowered to shape their futures and those of their communities. Youth Advocacy: Addressing the prevailing public perception, the DFF Movement underscores the importance of recognizing that youth voice and choice hold significant value. By amplifying the impact of youth-driven initiatives, the movement seeks to bring about a shift in societal attitudes towards the agency and influence of young individuals. The Drug Free Friend Movement

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