Discussing What Contributes To Good Health

Outstanding relief for your aches... Try these simple exercises to keep you moving... Exercise Essentials

IT BAND - STRETCH SIDELYING Lie on your side. Pull ankle of upper leg back as if stretching your quad. Put the ankle of your lower leg on the outside of your knee. Apply pressure downwards to feel a stretch along the side of your thigh. Hold for 5 seconds repeat 6 times on each side. Strengthens Knees

Improves Balance TANDEMWALK

Stand with the fingertips of one, or both, hands resting on a wall. Place the feet ‘heel to toe’ with the left foot forward. Steady yourself in this position. Step forward with the right foot, placing the heel directly in front of, and touching, the toes of the left foot. Step forward with the left foot, placing the heel directly in front of, and touching, the toes of the right foot. Repeat this sequence, moving forward down the hallway. Reverse direction, moving backward down the hallway.



Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

Don’t Miss Your Chance to Win a Thera Cane!

We are giving away a free Thera Cane!

For the month of April, if you ‘Like’ our Facebook page you will be entered to win! Once you like our Facebook page, you will be entered into a drawing for the month of April to win a Theracane and the winner will be announced on May 1st. What is a Theracane? Thera Cane is a self massager used to apply pressure to sore muscles. The unique design of the Thera Cane lets you apply deep pressure massage to hard to reach areas of your body on your own.

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