Curriculum Studies Guide 2021

Boys may choose an area of study which interests them. Boys interested in architecture or visual communicationmay choose Topic 4 –Modernist Design and Architecture,which studies the development of architecture and design in the twentieth century. Those interested in classical sculpture and architecturemay choose Topic 2 – Late Renaissance to explore its importance in the High Renaissance.Many boys enjoy Topic 5 – Modernism to Post Modernism,which focus on art in the twentieth century, exploring the huge social and political changes and the impact these have on art at this time. Assessment The following achievement standards are assessed: AS 91482 Demonstrate understanding of style in art works. (4 credits – external) AS 91484 Examine the relationship(s) between art and context. (4 credits – external) AS 91485 Examine the impact of media and processes on art works. (4 credits – internal) AS 91486 Construct an argument based on interpretation of research in art history. (4 credits – internal) AS 91488 Examine the relationship(s) between a theory and art works. (4 credits – internal)

AS 91183 Examine the use of media in art works. (4 credits – internal) AS 91184 Research an Art History topic. (4 credits – internal) AS 91186 Demonstrate understanding of art works in relation to their environments. (4 credits – internal)

YEAR 13 Status


This subject can be started at Level 3. There are no essential prerequisites though an interest in art and history and ability in written language are useful. There is no need for practical artistic ability; an interest in art is sufficient.


Periods per week Five Description

History of Art is a high interest subject which studies different cultures and periods of time by examining the art and architecture which they produced, the artists whomade themand the society for which they created them. It is a useful subject to gain a deeper understanding of history, society and culture and is very helpful to boys intending careers in architecture, art and design, tourismor museum studies. Art History can be studied at Level 3 and at many NewZealand and overseas universities. Even if the subject is not studied beyond school level it will, for most students, provide the foundation for an interest for life. Art History teaches visual analysis, research skills, historical knowledge, interpretation, information analysis,writing skills and critical thinking. Visual literacy is a key tomany areas of study today. At Level 3 classes can study one of two options from the Renaissance to the diversity of modern art and architecture.

Curriculum Studies Guide 2021 >>> RETURN TO CONTENTS


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