Classical Studies
YEAR 13 Status
Classical Studies greatly improves knowledge retention, recall and essay-writing skills. Students learn to reason using historical facts to create a picture of life in classical times. They also learn to interpret classical literature in translation and to find its relevance in its own time and in a modern context.
Level 2 Classical Studies is recommended but not essential.
Periods per week
Description The aim of this course is to stimulate students in a study of the classical world, without demanding a background of language skills, by offering a wide range of topics on historical, literary and artistic themes from specifically the Roman civilisation. The course provides opportunities for interdisciplinary teaching and is designed to appeal to students with a range of abilities. In 2015 over 12,000 students studied Classical Studies throughout New Zealand and the number is still growing. The following three topics are studied throughout the year: AS 91394 – Virgil Analyse ideas and values of the classical world. (4 credits – external) AS 91395 – Art of the Roman Empire Analyse the significance of a work(s) of art in the classical world. (4 credits – external) AS 91397 – Art of the Roman Empire Demonstrate understanding of significant ideology(ies) in the classical world. (6 credits – internal) AS 91398–Heroism in the ancient andmodernworld Demonstrate understanding of the lasting influences of the classical world on other cultures across time. (6 credits – internal) These topics combine to give students a varied view of classical life and times and provide a sound base for tertiary classical studies. Assessment
YEAR 12 Status
Periods per week
Description The aim of this course is to stimulate students in a study of the classical world, without demanding a background of language skills, by offering a wide range of topics on historical, literary and artistic themes from specifically the Greek civilisation. The courses at both levels provide opportunities for interdisciplinary teaching and are designed to appeal to students with a range of abilities. Five topics are studied throughout the year: AS 91200 – Greek Tragedy Examine ideas and values of the classical world. (4 credits – external) AS 91201 – Ancient Art & Architecture Examine the significance of features of work(s) of art in the classical world. (4 credits – external) AS 91202 – Classical Event: The Trojan War Demonstrate understanding of a significant event in the classical world. (4 credits – internal) AS 91204 – Epic Poem vs Epic Film Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between aspects of the classical world and aspects of other cultures. (6 credits – internal) These topics combine to give students a good understanding of classical literature, history, philosophy, customs and ways of life. This course also provides a sound basis for Level 3 Classical Studies. Assessment
1. Class tests and exercises 2. Term 3 school examination 3. NCEA assessments
1. Class tests and exercises 2. Term 3 school examination 3. NCEA assessments
Curriculum Studies Guide 2021 >>> RETURN TO CONTENTS
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