Curriculum Studies Guide 2021

rock/jazz/contemporary music, group or ensemble performance, composition, the study of music works, aural and score reading. Students elect to select from a range of music achievement or unit standards that cover both their musical interests, abilities and skills. Assessment Internal assessment is carried out by Music staff in association with specialist instrumental tutors, with work also being moderated through NZQA moderation. Students at this level do not have any external examinations.

- Likes studying music works The examination of various musical styles with detailed analysis of specific works. - Song writing

The student may work on their own or collaborate with another student in the

submission of a portfolio that presents three songs that must be recorded. The portfolio is assessed from the finished recorded songs. This standard is 8 credits. - Enjoys research The student has the ability to undertake a Level 3 research task that covers his field of musical interest. - Student with recording and sound systems knowledge. Courses are available in unit standard for sound and sound production for interested students. - Students with a strong interest in rock/jazz/ contemporary music All music achievement standards cater for the increasingly wide range of musical styles available to students. Courses can be supplemented by various unit standards available in contemporary music. Assessment Internal assessment is carried out by the Music staff in association with specialist instrumental tutors. Samples of student work are moderated through NZQA moderation. Students at this level can elect to have any combination of internal and external examinations provided they submit a balanced programme of study.

YEAR 13 Status


Allstudentstakingthiscourse must have an instrument/ voice that they can submit performance work on, or be skilled in composition so that they can submit a portfolio of works. Some students may elect tomake a detailed study of music works and submit an analysis portfolio. Level 2 Music is highly recommended.



Periods per week

Description This course caters for a diverse range of student musical interests and skills. A total of 48 credits is

available in any of the following: - Highly competent performer

Students present a portfolio of performances which are worth 12 credits. Performance work may be supplemented by submission of Level 5 unit standard and unit standard in second instrument. - Well developed composer Students present a portfolio of compositions which are worth 8 credits. Those who are beyond Level 3 might consider a Level 5 unit standard in music composition. May be supplemented through Level 5 unit standard and unit standard in composition. - Well developed ear Developskills inlisteningandinthenotationof musical scores.

Curriculum Studies Guide 2021 >>> RETURN TO CONTENTS


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