العدد 10 - مايو/أيار 2021

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) للتوسع، راجع: 65 (

Livingstone, Das,“The End of Audiences?,” op, cit. (66) Paquienseguy Françoise,“L’Usager et le Consommateur à l’ère numérique,” researchgate, January 2012,“accessed February 2, 2021”. https://bit.ly/37Svp0Y. ) انظر: 67 ( Céline Ségur,“Elihu Katz, Paddy Scannell,"The End of Television? Its Impact on the World (so far),” Questions de communication, n. 21, (2012), 235. (68) Jean-Louis Missika, La Fin de la télévision (France: Le Seuil, 2006). ) انظر على سبيل المثال: 69 ( Victor Wiard, Domingo David, Fragmentation versus convergence: University students in Brussels and the consumption of TV series on the Internet. Participations, Journal of audiences and reception studies, Vol. 13, Issue. 1, (2016), academia,“accessed February 2021”. https://bit.ly/3bRYgEa. ) راجع على سبيل المثال: 70 ( Charo Lacalle, Cristina Pujol,“Online communication and everyday life: Female social audience and TV fiction,” Chile, Chili, Vol. 32, n. 2, (April 2017): 117-132. ) انظر على سبيل المثال: 71 ( Thomas Beauvisage, Jean-Samuel Beuscart,“Audience Dynamics of Online Catch Up TV,” researchgate, (April 2012),"accessed 2 February, 2021”. https://bit.ly/3kwRqHY. ) انظر على سبيل المثال: 72 ( Charo Lacalle Zalduendo, Beatriz Gómez Morales,“Spanish tv reception in the multiscreen era,” Comunicacion y Sociedad, (septembre 2017), researchgate,“accessed February 2, 2021”. https://bit.ly/2ZUFjLo. ) نذكر على سبيل المثال وليس الحصر: 73 ( Turid Skarre Aasebø,“Television as a marker of boys’ construction of growing up,” Young, Vol. 13, Issue. 2, (2015): 185-203.

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