FMN | April 30th, 2018

FPA Launches New Sustainable Packaging Report The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) has pub- lished a new report on sustainable packaging, A Holistic View of the Role of Flexible Packaging in a Sustainable World . FPA commissioned PTIS, LLC to provide a holistic view on the sustainability benefits that flexible packaging offers; provide foresight into future sustainability implications for flexible packag-

ing; and develop six Life Cycle Assessment case stud- ies comparing flexible packaging to other packaging formats across a range of products. The report focuses on the segment of the industry that adds significant value to flexible materials, usual- ly by performing multiple processes such as printing, laminating multiple layers, and adding coatings, all of which aid in performance of the material, improve the consumer/user experience, and/or extend the shelf life of the product. It focuses on the U.S. per- spective, though global data and context are utilized to provide a broader picture and looks at the current state for flexible packaging, while also providing fore- sight into potential future implications. Life Cycle For the report, six different LCA case studies were developed using the EcoImpact-COMPASS LCA soft- ware, which allows for quick life cycle comparisons between different package formats. The results from the case studies, according to the report, show that flexible packaging has more preferable environmental attributes for carbon impact, fossil fuel usage, water usage, product-to-package ratio, as well as material to landfill, when compared to other package formats. According to the study, flexible packaging offers a number of sustainability benefits throughout the entire life cycle of the package, when compared to other package formats including: material/resource efficien- cy; lightweight/source reduction; transportation bene- fits due to inbound format and lightweight nature; shelf life extension; reduced materials to landfill; high prod- uct-to-package ratio; and beneficial life cycle metrics. Despite the number of sustainability benefits, there are challenges facing the flexible packaging industry. (Cont’d on Page 16)

Flexo Market News April 30, 2018 13

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