Getting Great Reviews: Why Current, Positive Reviews Make a Difference
Providence Life Service Talent Acqui- sition Specialist. “Prospective employ- ees relate to current or former em- ployees that are already in the same position or industry.” Research shows how important re- views are. Martin Konn from Indeed. com says that prospective employ- ees research employee reviews to assess company culture, identify red flags, and learn more about company benefits and perks. Also, according to the top 12 tips from “Where You Live Matters,” four of the top 12 tips involve researching websites, reading online reviews, reviewing social media channels, and using social media to ask questions about other’s experi- ences with senior living communities or asking for recommendations. If you are talking to a resident or fam- ily member who gives you a compli- ment, encourage them to leave us a review on Google or Facebook. And if you are having a great experience as an employee and want to help attract other quality staff, consider leaving a review on Indeed to make sure every- one knows Providence is a great place to work.
Before you try out that new restau- rant that opened up near you, do you ever do a quick web search and read reviews first? Sometimes seeing neg- ative reviews completely change your mind, and you decide to find a differ- ent place to eat without trying the restaurant for yourself. After all, you have plenty of options! It’s the same for senior communi- ties and services. Before a prospect or their adult child calls us or comes for a visit, they often do a quick web search. When a prospective employee is researching workplaces, they may hop on Indeed or GlassDoor to see what our staff’s thoughts are. When people search our communities, they want to see reviews that show the positive experiences that our res- idents and employees tell us about so often. They also look for recent reviews so they know that our current employees and staff enjoy their time with us. “It’s important for employees to leave reviews because it provides an authentic insight for prospective employees,” says David Montenegro,
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