OCS Outcomes Report 2016-2017
“Worker helped us realize our communication blocks and work on tools that help us work together as a family. She has also been helpful in finding the right programs to move forward without her.” • Provided regular supervision and group case review meeting with staff to be more collaborative, purposeful and informative during client interventions. • Evaluated needs of client demographic, current groups being offered in the community and existing group curriculum. • Engaged in a partnership with Dr. Vanessa LaPointe to develop an enhanced parenting philosophy, parenting group and staff training model. Evaluated existing service delivery model and re-established service priorities based on program contracted outcomes. • Increased case loads and re-established focus of services. • Staff engaged in outreach to Health Units, SD 36 StrongStart, MCFD teams to promote program, clarify program mandate and increase client engagement. • Revised program pamphlets, referral forms (available on website), and assessment to increase usability for clients and referring agents. • Reviewed and updated several client resources and staff practice tools to ensure we are delivering relevant and evidence-based information. Family Strengthening and Development (FSD) FSD offers short term, goal–focused interventions to assist families who are in immediate crisis and at risk of abusing or neglecting their children. The purpose of this program is to reduce the risk for child maltreatment, enhance child safety by changing behaviours and increasing the skills of referred moderate to high-risk, high-needs families in Surrey. Outcomes • Learn and apply new and appropriate strategies to manage their family and practical needs. • Develop practical strategies which will increase the family’s capacity to be self-sustaining and stable. Service Highlights • 79% of clients identified as female. • 25% of clients referred in FSD highlighted a concern of domestic violence.
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