King's Business - 1936-08

¿ ¿ N O T H I N G to you ■

W E met on the train traveling eastward. They were newlyweds on their way to the mission field in South America. Their enthusiasm was con­ tagious. The glow on their faces spoke of the joy that comes to those who catch the vision and respond to the call. A s they were both of German birth, we had an interesting dis­ cussion about political and spiritual conditions in Germany. The groom was a graduate of Biola. H e and his conse­ crated bride were going out in faith to tell the story of Jesus and H is love. They had no human assurance of sup­ port, but they were trusting God. There was something beautiful and touching about their childlike confidence in

This morning a letter came from a dear old couple who love Biola and who have meant more to this school than they will ever know this side of eternity. It contained a check for one hundred dollars, with this suggestion: “ N in ety -n in e more like the enclosed would bring the sum o f £ 1 0 ,0 0 0 .” Biola is on the hearts of these devoted friends. Thank God that aged saints are interested in Biola. Are you able and willing to be one of the ninety and nine that will duplicate the gift of this silver-haired couple? Is it nothing to you? Is it nothing to you that 400 young people are coming

God. A look into their hearts revealed devotion to Christ and a love for souls that would lead them to sacrifice every­ thing for their Lord. A s they related their experiences and unfolded their plans, a desire was burning in my heart to do something for them. But the groom was speaking: “ B iola has m eant so much to me that I can never repay the d ebt I owe. M y w ife and I have decided to make a little gift as a token of our love for the Institute.” W ith these words the missionary handed me an envelope containing a sacrificial contribution.

to Biola this fall to be trained to evan­ gelize the world and win souls for Christ? Is it nothing to you that thousands are reached every week through shop, street, mission and church meetings, and through the distribution of tracts and Gospels of John, and that an average of forty children are won for the Lord every week? Is it nothing to you that Biola with its world-wide ministry, touch­ ing every continent and the islands of the sea, should continue? Is it nothing to you that some are

Founded on the Boole"

working early and late, and praying that Biola shall not only continue, but extend its usefulness and influence in this day of apostasy and worldliness? W ill you come to the help of the Lord and Biola in this hour of need? W e need your immediate help. W ill you not pray just now, Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” It may be that the Lord will not only show you what you should do personally, but also what you should suggest to others who are the Lord’s stewards. W ill you not take Biola’s burden on your heart? W ill you not answer the question, “ Is it nothing to yo u ?” by writing a letter today, saying: “ H e re is the gift the Lord has prom pted me to send, and w ith it go m y prayers and prom ise o f continued support as the Lord shall lead and p rovid e.” I f yo u will respond, we shall thank G o d and take courage!

M y heart was deeply stirred. Even now my eyes fill with tears as I visualize the scene. Thank God that grad­ uates, faith missionaries, are interested in Biola. Is it nothing to you? It was in an eastern city, two thousand miles from Los Angeles. A letter came from a shut-in asking for a call. Forty- five minutes were spent with this invalid who for forty years has been confined to a bed or a wheel chair. The room was saturated with the presence of God. Heaven was near, and it was easy to pray. Our sister was not occu­ pied with herself and her ailments. She wanted to talk about the Lord and H is ability to supply the needs of Biola. She is a member of the Biola Honor Roll and is constantly praying for the Institute. She had a gift to present and a plan to offer. This saintly woman is engaged in a ministry of intercession. In addition, she is greatly interested in “Bottle Evan­ gelism.” She fills bottles with tracts and asks friends to cast these tract bottles in lakes and rivers. This was to me a new type of evangelism, and it is supervised and carried on by a shut-in! It is because of this con­ cern for the salvation of souls that she supports Biola. Thank God that praying invalids are interested in Biola. Is it nothing to you?

Y ou rs through grace,

— QSI a J .


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