King's Business - 1936-08


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

August, 1936

“Write,” said he with emphasis, “ ‘ Let a thousand fall, but let not Africa be given up.’ ”—A quilla W ebb . 4. Before Alexander Mackay with seven others set out for Uganda, a farewell meeting was held. “There is one thing,” Mackay said, “which my brethren have not said and which I want to say. I want to remind you that within six months they will probably hear that one o f us is dead,” He paused and there was a solemn stillness in the room. Then he went on: “Yes, is it at all likely that eight Englishmen should start for Central Africa and all be alive six months after? One of us'at least—it may be I—will surely fall before that. But,” he added, “what I want to say is this: When the news comes, do not be cast down, but send some qne else immediately to take the vacant place.”—S elected . II. O bservations C oncerning C hristian M issions 1. Although, of the missionaries, many are men o f great talent which would have won them distinction in the walks of secular life, they are nevertheless found living on the barest modicum of salary on which an educated man can subsist, without hope of honor or o f future reward. They do this from loyalty to the Master whom they serve and love.—S ir R ichard T emple . 2 . Christianity in Oceanica is as real as it has been in the early days of any Christian country, and we may sing paeans of praise to God for the conversion of South Sea Is­ landers with as much reason as Te Deums were justified when ancient Britons first felt the power of the crosS>f—J oseph K ing .

SEPTEMBER 27, 1936 ARE MISSIONS DONE FOR? M ark 16:14-20 Meditation on the Lesson “Are Missions Done For?” What a question 1 There can be only one answer: “ N o!” Not so long as Christ lives on high and intercedes for His own, not until He comes to reign! As long as there are Bible-believing Christians in this world, and as long as there are people who have not heard the gospel, missionary work will be carried on. The verses of our lesson and the parallel ones in Matthew’s Gospel have been well described as “our marching orders.” When we realize and accept the fact that Christ is our Captain, we shall appreciate more fully the tremendous meaning of this forceful “ Go ye.” Our Lord Jesus Christ left no doubt as- to His plan. He used the imperative “Go,” and the personal pro­ noun, “ye.” Christians may send, give, and pray—all are forms of service—but none of these is a substitute for the “go­ ing,” the personal witness in the place of God’s appointment. And each Christian must aggressively seek the Lord’s directive will concerning his part in this great task. O f course the archenemy, Satan, would delight to discourage us, to cause us to think that missions are a failure. He would have us believe that it is hopeless to carry forward our task in the face of criticisms of missionary endeavor. In the past two or three years, the whole mission­ ary enterprise has been a subject o f partic­ ularly heated debate. The relative value of educational, medical, and evangelistic mis­ sionary effort has been discussed by many who would substitute a “ social gospel” for the message that “ Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Tim. 1:15). Such individuals as these would question the right o f evangelical missionaries to use medical and other philanthropic services as a means of gaining a Hearing for the message of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Word o f God thus defines the “gospel” : “ Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and . . . he rose again . . .” (1 Cor. 15 :3,4). The One who is “on the right hand of God” has said: “ Go ye . . . , and, lo, I am with you alway” (Matt, 28: 19,20). Dare we fail to obey? The mar­ velous truth we find in verse 20 will “ put iron in the soul” of any obedient believer: “And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them." Oh, there is no power in us. We are simply instruments. If we proclaim the gospel, the Lord works. “ Go labor on, Spend and be spent,” for “your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” Helps for the Leader 1. T he S pirit of the T rue M issionary 1. Cannot the love of Christ carry the mis­ sionary where the slave trade carries the trader ?—D avid L ivingstone . 2. The spirit o f missions is the spirit of conquest. Forward! Forward! — CoiLLARD OF THE ZAMBEZI. 3. Melville Cox, dying at the age o f thirty- three, did little for Africa by his short four months’ labor there, but his farewell to a friend in Wesleyan University was, “ If I die in Africa, you must come and write my epitaph.” “ I will,”, replied the friend, “but what shall I write?”

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