King's Business - 1936-08


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

August, 1936

knowledge is as great as His love and power—He, and none other, is my Fa­ ther. To realize this will be to realize something further—something as prac­ tical as it is precious—life for the Chris­ tian is simply the outworking o f that which is absolutely basic, that is, relation­ ship. . . . How it takes the load of anxiety off our shoulders when we begin to realize this heavenly union. . . . Guidance becomes a far more reasonable thing, as indeed prayer becomes more intelligible, when once this relationship is experimentally grasped. . . . Yes, it is a joy to know, and to claim in the light of our knowledge, that our needs are His concern. Why not go to your Father? Fathers love to give. Claim your relationship. — C olin C. K err . In a certain sense, it is true to say that the Holy Spirit, in this dispensation, takes the place of the Lord Jesus in the days of His flesh. . . . The Holy Spirit is to be­ lieving hearts in this dispensation of faith what the Lord Jesus was to His disciples in their pilgrimage o f sight. This explains such a gracious word of assurance as the one we so often quote :ffijWhere two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” What a difference would take place in all our meetings for praise and prayer if we real­ ized that our reigning Lord was in our midst in the power o f His Spirit as truly as He was present in the upper room after His resurrection!— L ife o f Faith. SEPTEMBER 16 Prayer Before the Battle “And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed” (Matt. 26:39). The reason that many fail in the battle is because they wait until the hour of bat­ tle. The reason that others succeed is be­ cause they have gained their victory on their knees long before the battle came. Jesus conquered in the awful battles of Pi­ late’s judgment hall and o f the cross be­ cause He had the night before in prayer anticipated the battle and gained the vic­ tory Before the struggle really came. He had told His disciples to do the same. He had bidden them, “ Pray that ye enter not into temptation,” but they had slept when they ought to have prayed, and when the hour of temptation came they fell. Antici­ pate your battles, fight them on your knees before temptation comes, and you will al­ ways' have victory.— R. A. T orrey . SEPTEMBER 17 In a Small Place “My strength is made perfect in weak­ ness" (2 Cor. 12:9). Fret not because thy place is small, Thy service need not be. For thou canst make it all there is O f joy and ministry. Thy life can know the blessedness O f resting in His will; His fullness flows unceasingly Thy cup of need to fill. His strength upon thy weakness waits, His power for thy task. What more, O child of all His care, Could any great one ask? —A nnie J ohnson F lint . SEPTEMBER 15 The Spirit’s Work “ When he, the Spirit o f truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: . . . for he shall receive o f mine, and shall show it unto you" (John, 16:13, 14).

SEPTEMBER 18 Faulty Judgment

PROPHECY An accurate Scriptural study. Tracing the Messiah through the Old and New Testaments. Should be in the hands of every Bible loving Christian. S E N T FREE CHRISTIAN WITNESS TO ISRAEL, INC. 2248 W estchester Avenue, New York City DARKEST AMERICA Do you know that there are thousands of communities in America where the Gospel is not preached? Think of a generation growing up without the influence of the Bible. What are you going to do about it? A mission has been formed for the purpose of supplying the Gospel to these unfortu­ nates, and Reverend Homer Stanley Mor­ gan and others are going to devote their time to the evangelization of these neglected places. This is a field worthy of your prayer and attention. REFERENCES Dr. Will H . Houghton, Dr. H . A . Ironside, Dr. A . C. Gaebelein,' Rev. W . W . Rugh For further information or to send contri­ butions—A ddress Christian Mission To Churchless Communities Room 602, 25 Broad Street, New York City MR. A L W Y N BALL, JR., Treas. LAYETTES—Oar Specialty EVERYTHING NEEDED FOB THE BABY-TO-BE Send for prices Beautiful Babywear, wonderful things for the toddler, shower gifts, and playthings for boys and girls. DOL LY 'S H A P P Y HOME 909 South Hill Oceanside? Calif. J U S T P U B L I S H E D ! THE NEW TESTAMENT TEACHING ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT IN RELA­ TION WITH THE BELIEVER By W. S. Hottel. One of the clearest and plainest book­ lets on the subject yet published. Thoroughly orthodox. Art Cover. Only 15c copy, 8 for $1.00 (attractive price in quantities). J O H N Y O U N G , P U B L I S H E R 2 Court St. D ept. K J . Binghamton, N .Y .

“ There is none good but one, that is, God" (Matt. 19:17). “A ll we like sheep have gone astray" (Isa. 53:6). "Christ. . . knew no sin” (2 Cor. 5 :20, 21). It is said that an old colored man, in reading a well-known hymn which contains the line, “Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,” mistook the word “sense” and gave this odd version: “Judge not the Lord by feeble saints.” We are not told to study one another, with a view to strengthening our faith through the attainments of others. But we are enjoined again and again to center our thoughts and affec­ tions in the Lord Jesus Christ, the only perfect One, the only One who can never be a disappointment. Are you looking at “ feeble saints” or at the all-powerful Lord ?— S elected . “ For the word o f God is quick, and powerful, and. sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asun­ der o f soul and spirit, and o f the joints and marrow, and is a discerner o f the thoughts and intents o f the heart” (Heb 4:12). Not only should you read the Bible reg­ ularly but also reverently. You will find it helpful, at times at least, to read it on your knees that you may remember from whom its message comes, and to read it always before anything else in the morning that the things of God may be the first to occupy your mind each day. Moreover, read , the Bible repeatedly . . . . Read it aloud; read it slowly; read it thought­ fully; read it systematically; and read it again and again. Read the Bible also receptively; that is to say, as you read it, receive it, and let its message soak into mind and heart, that through it God may speak to you and ac­ complish His purpose through it for you. . . . Look for Christ in the Bible, and you will soon be led to Christ through the Bible, and then made like to Christ. —C. K. M owll . Theodore Cuyler used to tell the story of a ship in the grip o f a fierce storm. Fearing they would all soon be destroyed, the terror-stricken passengers appointed one man to go to the pilot house and ask the pilot whether there could be any hope. When the messenger reached the pilot, the storm was roaring so loudly that he could not be heard. But when the great master of the ship saw his distresses, and knew by instinct his mission, he smiled. And the frightened man returned to his com­ panions and reported, “All is well; I saw the pilot’s face—and he smiled.” The storm o f trouble may be raging furiously about you. But if you have seen the Pilot s face, if you have apprehended how safe you are while in His care, your fears are all dismissed. — S elected . SEPTEMBER 21 Sowing For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Gal. 6 :7). ■ Suppose I rxeet a man who is sowing SEPTEMBER 20 Master of the Storm “ What manner o f man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!" ( Matt 8 :27). SEPTEMBER 19 How to Read the Word

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