King's Business - 1936-08


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

August, 1936

seed, and say: “ Hello, stranger, what are you sowing?” “ Seed.” “What kind of seed?” “I don’t know.” “ Don’t you know whether it is good or bad?” “No, I can’t tell; but it is seed, that is all I want to know, and I am sowing it.” You would say that he was a first-class lunatic, wouldn’t you? But he wouldn’t be half so mad as the man who goes on sowing for time and eternity, and never asks himself what he is sowing or what the harvest will be.—D. L. M oody . SEPTEMBER 22 Glory Ahead “ The Lord will give grace and glory” (Psa. 84:11). Glory always follows grace. Let us re­ member that God’s glory is never revealed in the lives of people except where His grace has first been received. There is a glory of this world, a glory without a halo, the glory o f a Caesar, a Napoleon, or a Mussolini, but it is not God’s glory. Un­ like the world’s glory, God’s glory does not fade. . . . The glory of the Lord is rarely to be seen by contemporaries. It is history that reveals the fact that where the grace o f God is, there also is the glory of God. . . . Glory will follow grace as day suc­ ceeds day.—F. C. W h it e . SEPTEMBER 23 The Grace of Gentleness “ The servant o f the Lord must . . . be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient’ (2 Tim. 2:24). The gentler qualities o f Jonathan were exemplified in his tender solicitude for the outlaw. After Jonathan’s death, David said o f him that his love “was wonderful, passing the love of women.” This is a day when the doctrine o f “right is might” is being increasingly taught, and when the sterner qualities of pagan manhood are glorified at the expense o f Christian graces. Let us therefore mark the perfect combination o f manliness and gentleness in Jonathan. . . . The Lord Jesus calls for knights, and offers to all who will fall in under His standard a task that is worthy o f real men and real women. . . . Remem­ ber, there is but one recruiting office. It is known as Calvary.—D. F. A c k l a n d . SEPTEMBER 24 He Is Faithful that Promised “ That ye may be able to stand against the wiles of. the deznl” (Eph. 6:11). John Bunyan says he had “many a pull with Satan for John 6:37.” And you may have many a pull with Satan when you claim the promises; but fear not, Jesus will give you strength. I f men would not remain poor, withered branches of the vine, they must abandon Satan’s falsehoods. No impeachment o f God’s faithfulness must be allowed. Rather, let every man accept God’s challenge, and prove Him, and see whether He will not “open you the win­ dows of heaven, and pour you out a bless­ ing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it” ; see whether He will not “do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.” . . . Resist the subtle tempter, and cling to the faithful Promiser . . . . Find the promise your soul needs, and pre­ sent it in confidence at the mercy seat, and it will be honored.—W . P a r s o n s . What a privilege it is to know that Christ has said of y ou : “I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye'should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit

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should remain.” Whom He calls, He en­ ables, praise His name!—M. G. G.

“ Eye to Aye” By Paul H . Graef Something hew—not a book on soul-win­ ning, but a book that will win souk. A pic­ torial presentation of the Cross work of Christ, wholly original, unique and compelling. “ Mr. Graef has given us a book with a message for the heart, via both eye and ear.**— Will H . Houghton, D .D . “ Known through his Radio ministry, Gos­ pel tracts, activity in many phases of Christian work, Mr. Graef is preeminently a soul-winner, with the gift of imparting his experience to others.” Price 50c paper, or $1.00 cloth . Money back if not satisfied . Address, P A U L H . GRAEF 60 John St. New York, N . Y . RAISE MONEY FOR YOUR CLASS Sell “A D P E N C 0 ” Sehool Name Pencils. Hundreds of Teaehere have profited by this easy means of raising funds. S P E C IA L O FFER. 144 high quality regular flve-cent pen- ells, eaeh equipped with gilt tip and red rubber eraser im­ printed with your School Name for $2.60 postpaid. You sell for $7.20. Your profit $4.60. Send name of Church or Sunday School today with money order for sample gross. SA T ISF A C T IO N G U ARAN TEED . ADVERTISING PENCIL CO. Walbrook 51 Baltimore, Maryland r w w w w w w w w w w w w C H R IS T I A N G R E E T IN G C A R D S For Sale or for Personal Use C H R IST M A S G R EET IN G S— New, At­ tractive, with worthwhile sentiments, many with Bible Texts,—in great va­ riety of artistic settings,— the type of Greeting Christian people are looking for. E V E R Y D A Y Greetings,—com fortin g encouraging messages of cheer to the sick and sorrowing. Birthday, etc.—many with Bible Texts. Cards that are different—not found in stores—Boxed and Unboxed—good profit, no investment necessary. Write early for free Catalog and attractive Sale Plans. PEASE GREETING CARDS, INC. 260 Laurel Street Dept. K Buffalo, N. Y. E XT R A M O NEY E A S IL Y EA R N ED

SEPTEMBER 25 The Hidden Face

“ Your sins have hid his face from you" (Isa. 59:2). “ I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions” (Isa. 44:22). When earthly vapors form and drift Across the noonday skies, When lowering clouds obscure the sun, Or evening mists arise ; Or when our little circling earth Has brought the night again, W e do not say, “The sun is gone Forever from our ken.” So when Thy hand no more we feel, Thy face .no more we see, Thou hast not left us, O our God ! ’Tis we who turn from Thee ; ’Tis we who weave, with doubts and sins, The veil that hangs between; Oh, like a cloud, Lord, blot it out, And let Thy light be seen. — A n n ie J o h n s o n F l in t . SEPTEMBER 26 Being Sure "I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt’ (Ex. 3:3 ). It is the high privilege o f the man whom God guides to be sure of his way—so sure that under the greatest difficulties and dis­ couragements he will neither relinquish the task to which he has been assigned, nor be vanquished by any fears that he has missed the right path. The God of Israel is call­ ing Moses to be the agent of his brethren’s deliverance from Pharaoh’s yoke ; and right at the very entrance into the path of perilous service, Jehovah puts a sure and memorable sign o f His call and fellow­ ship, which no difficulties that might after­ wards arise could cancel or obliterate. When Jehovah’s voice is heard, oh “turn aside, and see,” for from such solitude and such observation comes the assurance that one is following in line with the Lord’s direction.— S elected .

MEN T O S E L L B I B L E S Old established firm expanding; write us all about your­ self. Experience in our line is not necessary; we instruct. A golden opportunity awaits the man who ean qualify. P H IL A D E L P H IA B IB L E HOUSE Dept. 603 • 1211 Chestnut Street • Philadelphia, Pa.

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