King's Business - 1936-08


August, 1936

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

be adhered to rigidly. The teaching, preaching, and leader­ ship should create a spiritual atmosphere that makes it easy to maintain order. The well-rounded conference program should take into consideration the young people and the children. There should be a children’s hour every day. Testimony meetings and round table discussions afford the attendants opportunity for expression as well as impression. The young people should be encouraged to take their Bibles to all sessions and to make notes. Above all, there must be much prayer if God’s purpose for the conference is to be fully realized. Prayer meetings should be held daily. Personal work should be done among children, young people and adults, and the spirit o f evan­ gelism must prevail. Attend an evangelical Bible confer­ ence this summer if you find it at all possible, and pray for the conferences held throughout this nation as well as in other lands. The situation in the world today is worse than it was twenty-two years ago. Then it was the Triple Alliance versus the Triple Entente. Now all Europe and Asia are in chaos. In fact, perhaps the one poor shred of conso­ lation in the whole present outlook is to be found in the fact that probably not one great power can now say with certainty that this or that neighbor would come to its rescue if attacked. But in that same uncertainty hides very grave, even imminent, danger. Fishing in muddy waters has always been a favorite international pastime. Japan is carving slice after slice o f China for herself because she thinks she can get away with it. The world is too busy or too afraid to interfere. Italy annexed Ethiopia and Nazi Germany reoccupied the Rhineland for the same reason. What nation will strike next, and where, makes an already jittery world feel it is living on top of a volcano. It knows that sooner or later Germany, or Nippon, or some other power will attempt a coup and will not get away with it. Some other nation will hit back. Then there will be an explosion. Certainly there is “ distress of nations, with perplexity” in our day, and “ men’s hearts” are “ failing them for fear.” What is the believer to do in this critical and dark hour? Qur Lord has the answer. “ And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Lk. 21:28). We know Thoughtful students o f world condi- tions are expecting another world war. The New York World-Telegram, in a re- cent editorial gives the following analysis o f the present situation: Living On Top of A Volcano

Word, we learn to see ourselves as God sees us. This gives us occasion to turn to the Lord in humility and confession, and “ If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to for­ give us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteous­ ness” (1 John 1 :9 ). If we prayerfully study and meditate upon the Word, we will be kept from sin. “ Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Psa. 119:11). Study o f the Scriptures will cause us to grow spirit­ ually. “ As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk o f the word, that ye may grow thereby” (1 Pet. 2 :2). Partaking o f God’s Word will put us on praying ground, and our prayers will be answered. “ If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15:7). A promise like this one should not only be read and meditated upon, but it should be appropriated as well. A fine illustration o f appropriat­ ing a verse is the following: “ Commit thy way unto the Lord [I have done it] ; trust also in' Him [I am doing it] ; and he shall bring it to pass [I expect it]” (Psa. 37:5 ). Certainly, every believer will read the Word daily and expect to hear the message of God to his own soul. He will let reproof lead to confession and correction, and ad­ monitions to obedience and prayer. He will appropriate the promises, and thereby gladden the heart o f God and encourage his own soul. The summer Bible conference move- Sumimer ment has been blessed and used o f God in a Bible marvelous way. It must be pleasing to God Conferences for Christians to spend their vacations in places where they are benefited physically, mentally, and spiritually. Usually the summer conference provides such an opportunity. The best type o f people are attracted by a Bible conference, and consequently the social fellowship is ideal. The proximity o f the ocean or a lake adds to the recreational enjoyment. The various meetings throughout the day and evening instruct the mind, enlarge the vision, and feed the soul. Like every other movement, the summer Bible confer­ ence is today in danger. Some conferences which used to be recognized as spiritual strongholds have deteriorated and are now powerless and in some instances do more harm than good. Conferences which formerly had only evangelical teachers now use modernistic speakers. Christians will do well to stay away from conferences of this sort. In other gatherings there is a tendency to magnify intellectualism instead o f spirituality, even though there is

that it is darkest just before the dawn, and that there is going to be a glorious daybreak soon when “ the Sun o f right­ eousness” shall “ arise with healing in his wings.” Christ will bring order out o f chaos, and peace will prevail when the Prince o f Peace is upon the throne. There is no other solution for the prob­ lems of the world but the return of our Lord.

no open departure from the truth. In some places there is a lack o f dis­ cipline that makes for carelessness and unspirituality. Young people, away from restraining home influences, allow them­ selves liberties that would not be per­ mitted at home. There is an inescapable responsibility resting upon conference leaders. Every conference should have rules and regulations which should

Friends who gather at the Pacific Pali­ sades, California, for the Second Annual Bible Conference of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, to be held August 24 to September 7, will have privileges of Christian fellowship in such surroundings as those pictured below: (left) the audi­ torium where the conference sessions will be held; (center) a log cabin at the conference grounds; and (right) a com­ fortable, quiet cottage for family groups.

For complete conference program, please see page 301.

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