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T H E B I O L A H O U R CALIFORN IA Arroy Grando-San Luit Obispo KOAG 1280 9:00 A.M. MTWTF Bakartfiald-Watco KAFY 550 4:00 P.M. Sun. KWSO 1050 9:30 A.M. MTWTF Burbank KBBQ 1500 7:00 A.M. Sun. Chlco-Paradlaa KEWQ 930 8:00 A.M. MTWTF Frasno-Dinuba KRDU 1130 8:30 A.M. MTWTF Lodi-Stockton KCVR 1570 8:00 A.M. MTWTF Lot Angelo. KBBI 107.5 (FM) 8:30 A.M. MTWTF KTYM 1460 9:00 A.M. MTWTF Lot Angelos-Long Beach KGER 1390 11:00 A.M. MTWTF KGER 1390 9:30 P.M. MTWTF Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara KOXR 910 8:00 A.M. MTWTF Reddinq-Red Bluff KQMS 1400 8:00 A.M. MTWTF San Bernardino-Riversido KACE 1570 9:30 A.M. MTWTF KFXM 590 7:30 A.M. Sun. Santa Cruz KSCO 1080 8:30 A.M. Sun. KSCO 99.1 (FM) 8:30 A.M. Sun. San Diago KBBW 102.9 (FM) 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:30 P.M. MTWTF
BROADCASTER Monthly Publication of the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP Vol. 1 No. 1 FEBRUARY, 1968 STAFF President ________ S. H. SUTHERLAND Editor ................................. Production .....................................BILL EHMANN Printing .........................................CHURCH PRESS Published monthly by the Radio Dept. BIOLA SCHOOLS & COLLEGES 13800 Bloli Avenue Lt Mirada. Cillfornli90631 BIOLA ASSOCIATION OF CANADA P.0. Bex 3013 Vancouver, B.C., Canidt CONTENTS REVIVE US AG A IN — S. Franklin Logsden ...... 3 DISCIPLINE — Gordon Wlshart ........... 5 NEW CREATIONS — Bruce Dunn ................. 7 A LIFE OF JOY — Stanley Collins ............. 9 THE SECRET OF REAL HAPPINESS— S. Collins ..11 PUTTING OFF A N D PUT TING ON — AI Sanders 13 PANEL DISCUSSIONS ...... 23 PARABLES A N D PEARLS ....29 STUDIES IN 1st JOHN — Lloyd T. Anderson ....... 32 COVER: Biola students pictured from left to right Karen Sommar, Garden Grove, Gary Oliver, Long Beach, and Ginny Holbrook, Santa Maria in new snack shop located in the Student Union Building.
910 4:00 P.M. Sun. 860 8:00 a.m. MTWTF
San Francisco KFAX Santa Maria KCOY
1100 8:30 A.M. MTWTF
1440 10:30 P.M. Sun.
Turlock KCEY
1390 10:30 A.M. MTWTF OREGON 790 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 790 3:00 A.M. MTWTF
Albany-Euganc KW IL Ashland-Medford KW IN Coquille-Coos Bay KWRO KWIL
580 8:00 A.M. MTWTF
630 8:30 A.M. MWF
Portland KPDQ KPDQ
800 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF
93.7 (FM)
Blalne-Vancouvar,, B.C. KARI
550 8:30 A.M. MTWTF
Saattle-Tacoma KGDN
630 11:30 A.M. MTWTF
Spokana KCFA
1330 11:30 A.M. MTWTF
Walla Walla KTEL
1490 8:00 A.M. MWF
1390 9:30 A.M. MTWTF
(Continued on page .21) Second Class postage paid in La Mirada, Cal. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, Calif. Address: Biola Broadcaster, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638.
YOUR CHR ISTIAN WILL Did you know that there is a way to invost in Biola lor tho training ol studonts whilo saving costly estate taxes! Ultimately you may bo able to leave more money lor your lovod onos. As a Fellowship member you aro under no obligation when you write lor inlormation or counsel. BIO LA ST EW A R D SH IP D E PA R TM EN T
T hrough the centuries, spiritually hungry hearts have cried out to the Lord for revival. The Psalmist beseeched, “Wilt thou not revive us again?” (Psa. 85:6). I wonder if we are really concerned about spiritual renewing and if, in this day of such fearful and false conception, under stand the true definition of this term. What man desperately needs in his accelerated plunge downward is a strong turning of his heart to God in humble submission. The profess ing church seems to have no concern, but rather is conformed to the world in all of its secularistic and material istic goals. First of all, there must be a con trition of heart. We must be bent and broken sufficiently to feel that hurt which our coldness, stubborn ness, and penitence, have inflicted upon the heart of Christ. We must endeavor to sense the deep longing of the Psalmist when he said, “Wilt thou not revive us again?” His present spiritual status was lamentable. He knew the source of blessing. The prayer was neces sarily brief. Desperation never en gages in lengthy supplications. “Lord save me!” cried Peter, as the waters began to overflow. It got results. The Psalmist sought restoration, for something was lost. Real revival comes when there is a willing waiting upon God, a sin cere confession of sin, a longing to be forgiven, a readiness to make restitution, a voluntary abandonment to the Lord of all we are and have, an eagerness to know His Word and will, a determination to practice the truth as God reveals it, and a private personal life which is in complete harmony with the public testimony. First, God wants to revive His
people. What father would ignore the sickliness of his child? What parent could be indifferent to the waywardness and disobedience of his children? When the apostle Peter spoke of stirring up the minds of the people by putting them in remem brance, he employed a term which meant “to awaken fully.” Our Fa ther wants, with affectionate longing, to infuse us with His abundant life. God wishes to renew His presence. It is the recognized presence of God that humbles the heart, strengthens the soul and encourages devotion. Moses had the assured promises, “My presence shall go with Thee.” God will manifest H i s presence among His people when conditions permit Him to do so. The benediction had just been pro nounced at the close of an evening meeting in a church .in Pennsylvania. It had been an ordinary service when someone in the congregation began singing, “I’ve wasted many a pre cious year, Now, I’m coming home.” The sudden unannounced sing ing gradually increased in fervor as the lyrical confession filled the sanctuary. Forty responded without an invita- Dr. S. F. Logsdon, Bible Teacher and Conference Speaker, Wheaton, Illinois.
called by My name, humble them selves, and pray and seek My face?” May we echo with David of old, “When Thou sayest, ‘Seek ye my face,’ my heart said, ‘Lord, Thy face will I seek.’ ” Only with the re vived hearts can believers be able to make an impact on the ramparts of Satan. God will be glorified. His peo ple will be rejoicing. These dear children whom we have brought into the world, will have a challenge and a heritage. As surely as we breathe, revival is possible in our time, if we humble ourselves under t h e mighty hand of God, and do His will from our hearts. IF C H R IS T SHO U LD C O M E T O N IG H T Is my house set in order If Christ should come today? What tasks would be unfinished If I were called away? Suppose an angel told me At early morning light, "Your Lord will come this evening, You shall go Home tonight!" Would ecstacy be clouded By thought of work undone, The seed I might have scattered, The crowns I might have won? The souls I meant to speak to, The purse I meant to share, And O, the wasted moments I meant to spend in prayer! The weight of unsaved millions Would press upon my heart. In their death am I certain That I had not a part? And such a few short moments In which to set things right! How feverishly I'd labor Until the waning light! O slothful souls and careless heart, O eyes which have no sight,— Work, lest you reap but vain regrets; Your Lord may come tonight! — Martha Snell Nicholson
tion. About half of the congregation quietly departed while those remain ing knelt between the pews without any suggestion. There was a deep sense of the divine presence. Joy was predominant. When a discern ing brother of Christian maturity was later asked his reaction, he simp ly replied, "It was apparent that the Holy Spirit was pleased about some thing. In one way or another the Lord wanted us to draw nigh. There was ample evidence of His pleasure.” Next, God wants to release His power. He waits to do it to a believ-
Biola students and faculty members have an opportunity for fellowship on the Campus. In the foreground from left to right are Mr. Wil liam L. Carden, director of Admissions, wifh Diann Johnson, a senior student from Oroville, Calif. Seated on the grass is Todd Lewis, a freshman from La Mirada, whose father is on the faculty of the school, and Miss Barbara Barke, Biola College registrar. In the back ground Is Dean of Students, William Siemens, with senior student Judy Walker of Whittier. er’s cold and cluttered heart. The revelation of His purity comes with the release of His power. In His resurrection power it lifts one back to a higher plain, back to heaven’s table land, back where fellowship is once again enjoyed freely. The heart becomes eager to do the will of God. Revival is not a momentary, emotion al upsurge. It is an unforgettable dealing with God. Spiritual revival is a new display of the new life, gained through faith in Christ. The Lord asks, “Will My people, who are
by Rev. Gordon Wishart Pastor, Omaha Tabernacle Omaha, Nebraska The next scene is of the men armed with their axes, chopping wood along the banks of the Jordan River. As one worked industriously, the axe head flew off and quickly sank to the deep part of the water. He shouted for help from his master. This axe head was a small thing, yet it meant much for the user. It was an indis pensable tool which represented this young man’s usefulness. Without it, he was powerless. For us today, once the axe head of spiritual power is lost, we become powerless. The work of God has stopped as far as we are concerned. This is what has hap pened in many of our churches to day. There is much chopping being done only with the handles; the pow er is gone. Note that this young man went right to Elisha to make confession. So we need to go immediately to God with our failures. Elisha wanted to know where it fell. My friend, where is the place you lost your testimony? Where was it that you departed from the Lord ? We must retravel the same path back to the point of departure. We must go to the Lord and confess, “Here is the place where I have sinned.” The axe head lies where Rev. Gordon Wishart, Bible Teacher and pastor of the Omaha Gospel Tabernacle, Omaha, Neb.
W hat does ONE do when his liv ing quarters become too small? In II Kings 6:1-5 we have a very interesting story about some young theological students who were ex tremely dissatisfied with their resi dence. It was no longer big enough for them. They decided to enlarge the dormitory after first of all con sulting Elisha. They rightly would not begin until he knew their plans. This clearly shows that they were disciplined young people. So it should be in all of the rela tionships of life. We desperately need discipline in the family, the church, and the nation. There must be regard for constituted au th o rity . (Little wonder that there is disregard for authority in the nation today when it is not properly taught or insisted upon in the home.) For these dedicated men, they de sired not only Elisha’s permission, but also that the prophet would go with them. With all of the stirring impulses of youth, still they knew their need of counsel. How we need to abide by this fundamental truth! We can do nothing which would ex clude our Saviour. It is interesting to note that these students knew how to work. When faced with the task of expansion, they proposed to meet the need, not by financial drives of questionable procedures, but by the employment of their own energy. “Let us go down,” they said, “and cut our own timber and enlarge our school with our own hands.” (Note how strangely this contrasts with our modern methods.) Elisha responded willingly and cheer fully. So, our Lord assures us, “Lo, I am with you.” We need to learn the import of Christ’s simple for mula for success, “Without Me, ye can do nothing.”
you lost it. It won’t move an inch until you move it. I plead with you: go back and show God the place where you failed Him. Trust Him for full pardon. Having shown Elisha the place, the prophet cut down a stick and put it into the river at the very spot. As a result, the Bible tells us that the iron head floated. Yes, thank God there is a tree that will make your axe head swim. It is Calvary’s cross. As you come to Christ, God will restore all you have lost. Although help was given, the young man had to put forth his own hand to retrieve the instrument from the water. You see, after confession, there must be faith and obedience. Don’t throw away your handle. Eternity alone will re veal the many handles of possibility hopelessly swallowed up in the sea of the past. These handles God would remount for service. In closing, I ask, “Have you lost your axe head?” Do you say, “Where is the blessedness I knew when first I saw the Lord? How sweet these memories still are.” If this is your confession, this true biblical story assures you that you may be re stored, renewed, reinstated, and re equipped for the service of God. One of the most active places on the Biota Campus is the mail room and cashier's offices in the new Student Union Building. Pictured above is Mrs. Virginia Pugh, cashier, and Mr. James Harmon, mail clerk, as they carry on their dedicated duties at Biola. m\ | ■ n H r 1 H L ^ . - %
H IS P LAN FOR M E When I stand at the judgment seat of Christ, And He shows me His plan for me, The plan of my life as it might have been Had He had His way, and I see How I blocked Him here, and I checked Him there, And I would not yield my will— Will there be grief in my Saviour's eyes, Grief, though He loves me still? He would have me rich, and I stand there poor, Stripped of all but His grace, While memory runs like a hunted thing— Down the paths I cannot retrace. Then my desolate heart will well-nigh break With the tears that I cannot shed; I shall cover my face with my empty hands, I shall bow my uncrowned head. Lord of the years that are left to me, I give them to thy hand; Take me and break me, and mold me To the pattern Thou hast planned! — Martha Snell Nicholson THE CANDLE "M y candle shall be tall and white," I often said; "a lovely sight, The molded wax gardenia-pure, The wick strong-fashioned and secure, Then all who look at it will see My candle's splendid artistry." But in the darkness no one cared Until the hour when Christ the Lord Of everlasting mercy came And gave a golden-shining flame, Then oh, my candle was a bright Outreaching messenger of light. And now I wonder how I could Have hoped or wished that others should Admire my candle; and only pray That someone on the sin-dark way Shall see Christ's glory shining through My life, and find salvation, too! — Grace V. Watkins
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■ by Dr. Bruce W. Dunn Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Illinois The second observation is that sal vation means something done in us as well as for us. It is true that God, in Christ, has done much for us. He died for our sins, to be sure. As we come to appropriate these truths with all of our hearts, another miracle takes place. Philippians 1:6 reminds us that “He which hath begun a good work in you, will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Here is a new capacity for God. We now have new affections and new aims in life. No longer do we judge things by the standard of the flesh anymore. God has given us the enlightenment of this Holy Spirit. It is now the love of Christ which constrains us. Every one who professes to be a Christian, to have accepted Christ by faith, should have an awareness that the Lord has begun a work within our soul that is still going on and ulti mately will be perfected when we see Jesus and are made like unto Him. Has God done a work in your heart? Is your religion external — a ritual? Or, can you say, “Yes, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into my heart. I am in Christ and He is in me” ? Dr. Bruce W. Dunn, Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Illinois.
NEW CREATIONS T here is only one way to find eter nal life. Salvation insists on be ing in Christ. II Corinthians 5:17 tells us “If any man be in Christ he is a new creature.” Jesus testified, “No man knoweth the Father saveth the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him.” This is fol lowed by that wonderful promise, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden.” We are not saved by changing environments or conditions. The cry today is, “Get people out of the slums, and there will be a difference!” While we don’t advocate people living with a handi cap, yet the problem with mankind is in the heart, not in his material possessions or surroundings. By faith man has to enter into a spiritual union with Christ. In the Old Testament we read of Noah and his family who, at God's appointed time, entered into the ark. They closed the door and once over that threshold, they were saved from the flood. Becall God’s designated cities of refuge. A person who killed another by accident could flee there and escape revenge. This is what we must do concerning Christ in our new relationship with Him. There in Him we are safe from the storms of judgment under His care and pro tection. “In Christ” is a much deeper ex perience than simply having a form of religion or being a church mem ber. We enter into Christ by a per sonal encounter with Him. This re quires personal surrender and com mittal to Him. By this person-to-per son confrontation we see the claims which He makes upon our soul. Here we find the knowledge and reality of our sins which need to be forgiven and washed away. “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”
One other thing I want to point out is that when we are in Christ, we are a new creation. You see, to create is God’s prerogative. By the new birth, God Himself enters into our hearts, making our bodies the temple of His Holy Spirit. He creates in us a new spirtual life. For the first time we become a whole person. Does this describe your experience or are you just another church member? There should be a new awareness and a new love for the Lord. Do you have a new desire to serve Him? We underscore the fact that in Christ a man is a new creation. It is not that he eventually will become one; he is one right now. It is im possible to meet the Saviour without something new coming into our lives. We may not be all that we ought to be yet, but once we come to Christ, and really turn the reins of govern ment over to Him, a new dimension to life is added. If you have not al ready done so, God help you to make such a committal to Him this very day! White-shirted Alumni reach for a basketball rebound in a game with the varsity squad of Biola College. Although activity pictured would seem to favor the Alumni, the final score was a loss of 55 to 100. m H ' m ■gift EgflVpg f / i l IfOKl m i \ / ■* h i i
TH E LIFE T H A T C O U N T S The life that counts must toil and fight; Must hate the wrong and love the right; Must stand for truth, by day, by night— This is the life that counts. The life that counts must hopeful be; In darkest night make melody; Must wait the dawn on bended knee— This is the life that counts. The life that counts must aim to rise Above the earth to sunlit skies; Must fix its gaze on Paradise— This is the life that counts. The life that counts must helpful be; The cares and needs of others see; Must seek the slaves of sin to free— This is the life that counts. The life that counts is linked with God; And turns not from the cross— the rod; But walks with joy where Jesus trod— This is the life that counts. HOM E Our earthly homes are simple things Of plaster and of board. Sometimes as humble as the nest Built by a wildwood bird. And yet through all our lives our hearts Cling to the childhood home Of hallowed, precious memories, No matter where we roam. And so I often think about How dear, how very dear. Our heavenly home will come to be With every passing year. That home where we shall meet and dwell With loved ones gone before, And sometimes, looking up, shall see Our Lord come through the door. O lovely home, where fulfilled joys Become rich memories, And ever sweeter pleasures crowd Age-long eternities! — Martha Snell Nicholson
by Rev. Stanley Collins Glasgow, Scotland
H ow thrilling it is for the Chris tian in these days of tension and turmoil to reflect on the nearness of our Lord’s return! In times like these, we have a tremendous respon sibility as to the type of life we live. What an important incentive for per sonal holiness! Is it your desire to have your life at all times in the very center of God’s will? The need is to walk in obedience to Him through His Word. Only in this way can we portray the beauty of Christ to oth ers. The one supreme task the Sav iour has given to His church is to get the Gospel out around the world just as quickly as possible. As we consider the will of God for our lives, we know that there may be local situations and circumstances in volved. The ruling matter should be the realization that if you are pre pared to do the will of God, it won’t be long before He indicates what that plan for your life really is. Too many of us want to make sure that God’s will suits our own plans and purposes. This is the real problem in knowing the will of God. The fourth and fifth chapters of I Thessalonians reveal the kind of life the Lord requires. First of all, it is our sanctification which is re quired (I Thess. 4:3). This involves being set apart from all that is un holy, ungodly and unclean, to live a life bringing praise and honor to His name. Then in I Thessalonians 5:16- 18, we find one statement reading, “Rejoice evermore. P r a y without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” Have you re alized that the will of God for us is that we should live lives of joy, prayer, and praise? The crux of the problem is that while so many pro
fess faith yet they give evidence of so little joy in personal living. No wonder what the world sees is total ly unattractive. Some people appear as though they might have been bap tized in vinegar and never recovered from the shock of it. That’s not the way it’s to be. The Christian life is essentially a life of joy. Joy is still the most attractive quality in the Christian life. Keep in mind, however, that joy is not a question of trying to be clever, having a lot of slick answers and witty sayings. It means rather that in our hearts basically and fun damentally we are joyful people. This is because Christ dwells within us through His Holy Spirit. When we become bora again, new creatures in Jesus Christ, God doesn’t give us just so much joy cautioning, “Now, that’s i t ! Hang on to it for it’s all you’ll get. If you’re too heavy on it in the early days, you’ll run out later.” No, of course not, and yet that’s the un fortunate way some people live. Joy is not dependent upon the dollars we have, or the cars we own, or the house we possess. Material things are invalid in accounting for joy. It Rev. Stanley Collins, Supt., Glasgow United Evangelistic Association, Tent Hall Tabernacle, Glasgow, Scotland.
with all my heart.” On the other hand, however, while I might not have thanked God for it, still I could praise Him in it. I could rejoice in Christ in spite of the pain and sick ness of body. Then, again, there are those who thank God before things happen, or praise Him after it’s all over. But Scripture says “in” everything give thanks. Keep in mind that the life of praise, the life of power, the life of victory, is the life of joy. In the light of the near and glorious return of our beloved Saviour, is this what typifies your daily existence ? It’s not that, you rejoice now and again, but that you really are a joyful person. Is your life summed up as one of prayer? You may not spend long hours on your knees, yet all through the day, your heart is in touch with God. Are you a thankful Christian? This means far more than thanking Him for the meals provided. In every circumstance you are praising the Lord. Remember, “this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” If you want to know the Lord’s per fect will, this is what is required. May the Lord bless your heart in the study of these precious truths! Mr. Bill Ehmann (right), director of promotion and publicity for Biola, chats with LeRoy Me- Bee, a student who transfered this past year from the University of Oregon.
is through the Lord Himself that we participate in such a wonderful ex perience and union through faith. How interesting that we should “pray without ceasing.” Whenever prayer is mentioned, most of us come under deep conviction. The problem is too few pray sufficiently or earnestly enough. Prayer is not some sort of a safeguard from things which might happen to us. Prayer is far more than either a petition or an intercession. It is not a matter of just asking things for ourselves or for others. These are both included in prayer but are not the most vital matters. The essence of prayer is the two-way communion. It is not merely talking to God but essentially listen ing to Him as He speaks to us. Again, prayer is not a question of jumping out of bed in the morning with two or three minutes’ asking for routine blessings on this one and that one. Don’t be misled into think ing that the attitude of prayer can be mistaken for prayer itself. It’s not either by kneeling down that means we are praying. Too often is the mind filled with all kinds of material things although the lips may be moving in prayer. Prayer is secret, holy, blessed communion with our Lord Jesus Christ. We must be in a constant spirit of prayer. In tune with the Divine, we are in fellowship with the Infinite. As He walks and talks with us, we walk and talk with Him. Keep in mind that a life of joy is depen dent upon a life of prayer. The Bible enjoins us that in every thing we are to give thanks. This doesn’t say “for” everything give thanks. That’s not always possible. Some years ago, I had a throat infec tion which consisted of a small growth in the throat. It is supposed ly one of the most painful things one can endure. To take even the tiniest drop of orange juice is almost im possible. I was laid low in bed for about ten days. In such an experi ence, how could anyone honestly say, “Oh God, I do thank Thee for this
by Rev. Stanley Collins Glasgow, Scotland
O ne of my favorite Psalms is the 32nd for it gives such a person al and a practical word of testimony which I’m sure many of you could share. It has to do with the joy of confessed sin, as well as the agony of soul when one does not keep “short accounts” with the Lord. To me this is a happy man’s song. Isn’t it a fact that most people are seeking true contentment and satisfaction in life? Abiding joy is clearly delineat ed in this Psalm. In these few verses I commend for your reading and earnest study, we are taken through the three stages of life. There are the past, present, and future. For total confidence we must have the settled assurance that all three of these areas are taken care of. Nobody under heaven, except the Christian, knows this. First of all, the Psalmist points out that the secret to real happiness is the knowledge of sins forgiven. There are more psychiatric troubles because of g u ilt complexes from which people suffer. Psychology clin ics are filled with those who have come for all kinds of treatment. To be sure, some have genuine mental disorders. A high proportion, how ever, are naturally burdened from the sins they have committed in the past. God is the only One who can deal with this and have it completely removed. He is the only One who can cover the iniquities in both thought and deed which have plagued your life. Think of the whole total amount of sin, so vast and so great, being covered by God. You see, when a man knows his sin has been forgiven, then his guilt is removed and cov ered. No wonder he can really re joice. In Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bun-
yan describes Pilgrim staggering up the hill with this great burden on his back, wondering how he will ever carry on. Eventually, reaching that sacred spot, Pilgrim felt the burden roll down the hill completely out of sight. He neither saw nor felt it any more. Do you have this knowledge that your sins are forgiven? You can’t forgive your own sins; your part is simply to confess them. I John 1:9 reminds us that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. The Psalmist testifies that when he kept silent, his bones waxed old. Listen, the quickest way to age is to sin. The Christian isn’t a “killjoy,” but nothing will ever kill joy in his life like sin. Sin pays wages in this life as well as in the life to come. Even the ordinary pleasures in life lose their luster when the heart is not right with God. In verse five, Miss Judy Walker, senior student at Biola College and secretary of the Associated Stu dent Body, has an opportunity to ask questions of Mr. William Siemens, dean of Students.
ture. “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go; I will guide thee with mine eye.” In structions are very important. It’s too bad that so often we fail to heed these definite directions. God’s guid ance for our lives, unlike the advice people give us, is never complicated. God has promised to give us all the instructions we need for life through His Word. The Bible is your Book of instructions for living. It also serves in teaching us. We need this, too. God’s Holy Spirit dwells within the heart of every born-again believer. In this way there’s no danger of get ting on the wrong track. God has said, “I will guide thee with mine eye.” Back home in Britain, when we have a Sunday school picnic, we take several hundred youngsters to the beach. Some mother may admon ish a teacher, “Now, be sure to keep your eye on my daughter.” Why, one would need a thousand pairs of eyes to do what all the mothers request. To keep an eye on them doesn’t mean to stand over the child, making him absolutely miserable, but it is to have the general oversight, making sure that no harm comes to him. Omni presence, however, is no problem for the Lord, for this is one of His di vine attributes. The past is all your sins and trans gressions forgiven. The present is the knowledge that God is your hid ing place and that He will be with you in every kind of trouble, so that you can come out singing His praises. The future, though it’s unknown to you, is clear to Him, for with God there are no tomorrows; He is al ready there. The Psalmist finishes by saying, “Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart.” Yes, this then is the secret of the really joyful and contented life. God help you so to love and live for Him that you may bring to Him the highest glory and the greatest praise, for His name’s sake!
the Psalmist comes to acknowledge his sins and iniquities. The first im portant stage for a really happy life is in knowing, believing, and being certainly assured that all of your sins, no matter how great, have been completely forgiven by God. Would this be your positive testimony? Now, there are many wonderful Christians who know that their sins are forgiven and who are rejoicing in this fact. Yet they are not com pletely happy because of some pres ent situation. It may be family prob lems, financial difficulties, sickness, or even death of a loved one. There are so many burdens to bear. Just the daily affairs of life seem often over whelming. The Psalmist found that the time to seek God and find Him is right now! Look at the promises concerning “the floods of great wa ters” which “shall not come nigh unto him.” In prayer we find our refuge. We were never promised that the Christian life would be a bed of roses. Very often a believer may have a rougher time than the one who knows not the Saviour. Those who live around us who don’t have time for the Lord don’t seem to need the doctors. We don’t see the undertaker at their homes. They always seem to have plenty of money for every luxury, to say nothing of their needs. (This is what the 73rd Psalm is all about.) The truth is that although the Christian seemingly has a hard time materially on the outside, in wardly he has this wonderful assur ance that no matter how great the storm, the floods will never over whelm him. He can go through the fire and still not be burned. Do you have such a hiding place? There is none, except Jesus Christ, if you are a sinner fleeing from God. But once your sins aré forgiven, you don’t fly from Him but rather to Him. “Rock of Ages, cleft for me; let me hide my self in Thee.” In addition to the past and the present, there is something very def inite in a lovely promise for the fu
A s husbands , I wonder how many men have had their wives ask them before some social function, “What should I wear?” This has been true in our home over the past near ly 19 years of wonderful married life. We want to look our best. As Vance Havner said, “To be all out for Christ, you don’t need to look as if you were all in!” Did you know that the Word of God gives us the an swer to that question? As a matter of fact, it’s more up-to-date than any New York fashion designer or Pari sian couturier. Not only are we told what to put on, but also, first of all, and more importantly, what to take off! In Colossians 3:1 we read, “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.” The word if here actually represents a fulfilled condition. This is already an established fact. In Colossians 2: 12 we are reminded that we are “risen with Christ through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised Him from the dead.” Nature provides us with many wonderful and practical illustrations. One such is the little water spider. Although it has its abode down at the bottom of the lake or river, com plete safety surrounds it in a vacuum of air. While on the surface, the spider instinctively takes this bub ble of upper air and anchors it to the sandy bottom where it builds its nest and takes care of its young. So, beneath the ruffled surface above, the spider has its home in tranquility still completely dry and protected. This is quite a picture for our lives, too. As Christians, we live below in a world of turmoil. Yet we can still be surrounded by the atmosphere of
heaven. As a matter of fact, here is the very crux of the difference be tween a victorious Christian and one who is constantly defeated and de pressed. We are not only to seek heaven, but we are to think heaven, as Dr. A. T. Robertson pointed out. Colossians 3:2 exhorts us, “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” What a helpful word for today! Haven’t you found it relatively easy to be con cerned with the things about you? In this way we soon forget that there is an “above” in our dimensions of life. Miss Linda Stewart (right), new freshman class treasurer, shares a happy time of testimony with Biola College Counselor, Mr. Terry Rose who was blinded during the Korean War. Linda, when she was one year old, suffered from an attack of infantile paralysis and has had to use crutches and braces ever since.
full physical faculties of vision. Of course the world will ask, “Well, what happiness is there in turning away from the things of this earth ?” Let us never forget that the world is dead in trespasses and sins. Human ly speaking, unsaved people can see nothing but the passing fancies of this life. This is not to infer that things on earth are always sinful in themselves. Yet even that which is harmless becomes dangerous when it's given a place above Christ. He should be pre-eminent. As an illus tration, there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with the newspaper, but when we spend more time reading that, some magazine, or perhaps watching television, than we do in studying and meditating upon the Word of God, we deprive ourselves of the spiritual nourishment so vitally need ed and available only from God. I personally don’t believe there’s any thing wrong with attending a foot ball, baseball, or some other game. Sports and athletics are healthful and relaxing. Yet, if we deprive ourselves of fellowship with God’s children in church, or if we have not personally spent time alone in communion with the Lord, this can be harmful. This is that about which Scripture warns when it tells us not to set our affec tions upon the things of this earth. Further, consider the car you drive. There’s nothing wrong with possess ing an automobile, and there’s noth ing wrong necessarily with owning a higher-priced model. But when a per son does this to the exclusion of in vesting in God’s program of redemp tion and the proclamation of salva tion around the world, then he has set his affections upon the things of this earth and not upon the things of heaven. This truth penetrates every area of our lives. Everything we do should be examined in the light of the ques tion, “Where are my affections really centered?” Make no mistake; we don’t secure salvation by the kind of life we live. We are not saved by 14
During World War II, in the early days of the Pacific fighting, new names were cropping up in the news paper accounts: Iwo Jima, Saipan, Palmyra Island, and others in the Caroline chain. People began buying maps of the South Pacific. They learned of new places of which they had never heard. Why the sudden interest? Why, they had loved ones in these areas! Now, so should it be with the Christian’s relationship to the things of heaven. He should be occupied with thoughts of the place where some day he will spend all eternity. One of our listeners over the years, now home in the presence of the Lord, Mrs. Helen Lemmel, wrote a Gospel chorus containing these lovely words: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace." The interesting thing about the au thor was that Mrs. Lemmel herself was completely blind. Yet she had a much greater spiritual perception than many people who have their Mr. J. D. Sarver (back to camera) member of the Biola College faculty in the Physical Edu cation Department, chats with Kathy Stine, a freshman from Arvin, Calif. Miss Stine's father is a member of the Biola Stewardship Depart ment and also a graduate of the school. Looking on is Monica Smith, freshman from Louisiana whose mother, Mrs. Gwen Smith, also attended the school.
what we do, but by what we become as children of God through faith. Where we are and what we have be come obligates us to a life of Christ- likeness. This can certainly be under scored again and again in our daily existence. PUTTING OFF AND PUTTING ON PART II I N C olossians 3:3 we are reminded that we are dead, and our lives are hid with Christ in God. There is both a positional and a practical aspect to salvation. When we receive the Saviour, positionally, we are sanctified. But keep in mind, there’s something more than this, for there must follow the daily growth or spir itual maturity. This is not perfec tionism as far as sin is concerned but progressionism in the stature of Christ, that we may grow more into the likeness of the Lord. During World War II, s a ilin g across the Pacific, I can remember Seeing the first mate compute the ship’s position by s tudy ing past movements recorded in the log book. Even without astronomical observa tions, due to cloudy weather, a posi tion could be determined. This was called “dead reckoning.” We know that the Word of God is the Chris tian’s Log Book. There may be storms all about us, with overwhelm ing trials and circumstances. Then it is that we must go to our chart and compass for a “dead reckoning” to find out where we are and whom we seek to serve. In Romans 6 we are repeatedly told to “reckon ourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” You see, we are dead and our life is hidden with Christ in God. Think for a moment of those five words, “hidden with Christ in God.” This is really a double lock of spirit ual security. One of our law enforce ment officers recently urged every householder to make certain that the
outside doors on our homes have dou ble locks, not just a single bolt, but an additional chain guard to frus trate and turn away any intruder. As far as our salvation is concerned, this is what God has done for us. What I M E T TH E M A S T E R I had walked life's way with an easy tread, Had followed where comfort and pleas ures led; With station and wealth and rank for my goal, Much thought for my body, but none for my soul, I had entered to win in life's mad race, When I met the Master face to face. I had built my castles and reared them high. Till their domes had touched the blue of the sky; I had sworn to rule with an iron mace, Till I met the Master face to face. I met Him and knew Him, and blushed to see His eyes full of love were fixed on me; And I faltered and fell at His feet that day. While my castles melted and van ished away. Melted and vanished, and in their place Naught else did I see but the Master's face. And I cried aloud, ''Oh, make me meet To follow the steps of thy wounded feet!" M y thought is now for the souls of men, I have lost my life to find it again; E'er since one day in a quiet place, I met the Master face to face. more security could we possibly have or desire? One of the early church fathers, Chrysostom, one day enraged the em peror by his continual preaching on 15 UntH one day in a quiet place I met the Master face to face.
tousness, which is idolatry.” That word mortify simply means that we are to kill or to crush the life out of these things. They are to become like a corpse. (This does not refer to our physical members. Scripture does not advocate or condone suicide or abuse of our bodies. It is talking about that which comes as a result of the sinful ness of man.) The problem is that, like a be setting secret sin, we sometimes en joy it a little too much to want to be done with it entirely. It’s like the two society matrons who were solving the world’s problems. One asked her friend, “What do you think of capital punishment?” The other thought a moment, and then bravely asserted, “I think I’m for it, just as long as it isn’t too severe!” Some Christians act this way about sin. They’re will ing to mortify the flesh, just as long as they don’t have to kill it all, espe cially in the areas where they don’t really want to be rid of sin. God says that we cannot compromise in any of these areas. Impure affections, fornication and immorality represent the look, the thought, and the deed. ■Keep it in mind that men don’t suddenly fall into the sin of adultery. When a per son’s mind continually dwells upon such a subject, these desires become a part of the emotions. The Spirit of God has not been allowed to work. We are told here to kill unclean nesses. While fornication deals more with the act or deed, this represents thoughts, words, looks and gestures. It is both mental and moral. We are told to kill inordinate af fections. This has reference to evil passions. It would be hard to find a day when immorality has been more prevalent. U n fo rtu n a te ly , tho se things once realized as sinful are now given a cloak of decency. Think of how acceptable society has made di vorce, adultery, nudity, premarital sex, homosexuality, abortion, use of narcotics and all kinds of perver sions. The list seems to grow. 16
the subject of sin. The monarch, in furiated, said, “Chrysostom, if you don’t stop this preaching, I'll take your life!” Then more than eighty years of age, the saint responded, “Sire, you can’t take my life, for I am dead, and my life is hid with Christ in God.” What confidence this truth brings to our hearts! Colossians 3:4 tells us, “When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory.” Basically, the goal of a Christian is not some cemetery grave, mausoleum c ryp t or columbarium urn. It’s rather the glory that shall be revealed when we see Christ. This is not the Rapture, or the bodily resurrection of the believer into the presence of the Lord. This is rather the second phase of Christ’s return, when He comes to this earth in His glory bodily, visibly; when every eye shall see Him. In Colossians 3:5 we are given a very strong exhortation and com mand which cannot be overlooked, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth: fornica tion, uncleanness, inordinate affec tion, evil concupiscense, and cove- Former classmates at Biola College enjoy a time of fellowship around the Student Union coffee shop. From left to right are Mrs. Mary Chase, Mrs. Annabel Cook (with back to camera), Rev. Edward Murphy, (serving with Overseas Crusades in South America), Rev. Clyde Cook (former missionary to the Philip pines and now director of Missions for Biola), and Dr. J. Richard Chase, Academic vice president of Biola College.
The next two words are *evil con cupiscence.” Giving that a modern- day translation, it simply means de sires which are evil, wicked yearn ings and cravings. This is not neces sarily just the aspect of sex, although SECON D C O M IN G The Master is coming again some day; That day may be near or far away. The Master left us in charge, you know; When He returns, what fruit can you show? Have you invested His money, and in crease earned Or laid it away and were unconcerned? Or perhaps you used it only for self And boasted then of your great wealth. In His vineyard, many hours did you spend? Did you, through the summer, the vines attend? Did you prune them, dig around them, too? Did you care for them the season through? Did you heed the cry of the Lord's poor? Did you the outcast turn from your door? When one of His sheep had gone astray Did you seek to find him and for him pray? In all such such things He is expecting you To minister to all, to Him be true. The Master left us in charge, you know; He expects, from us, some results to show. For He is coming back again some day . . . And His coming may not be so far away! that certainly enters into it, but more than this, all other activities of pas sion— anything which exalts itself above the knowledge of Christ. Then we find “covetousness.” At least on the surface, it might seem
that Paul made a mistake in includ ing this fifth idea with these other four which are so explosive. As a matter of fact, it is covetousness which is the basic cause of fornica tion, uncleanness, inordinate affection and evil concupiscence. Covetousness has been defined as the attitude ex pressing “must-have-moreness.” It is the individual who proverbially tries to keep up with the Joneses, endea voring to pattern his life after the world. It is the sinful itch to get more, the lust for selfish gain. It may also mean taking advantage of others or a strong desire for immoral liv ing. In other portions of Scripture we find similar lists, such as Ephe sians 5:3, Galatians 5:19, I Thessa- lonians 4:5, and of course Romans 1:26 ff. Let us remember that the Lord has sentenced all of these things to death. It is our job to perform the execution. Killing something is never very pleasant. For this reason, many Christians seem to be squeamish about mortifying these sinful things which have become a part of their lives. The Lord, however, has given us the definite order. We will never know real peace or contentment in life, until we actually fulfill this im perative command. God says, “You’re going to have to cut these things out; you’re going to have to kill them, so that your spiritual life may grow, bringing forth fruit and proving it self in the sight of God, as well as in the sight of man.” PUTTING OFF AND PUTTING ON PART III I N C olossians 3:6 we read, “For which things’ sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of dis obedience." We have seen adultery, immorality, covetousness — all of which things abound in the world; We need not illustrate them further. The daily newspaper is most explicit. God says some day these things will be judged. In the future those who 17
things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him.” And the list which follows closely com pares with what we have here in the eighth verse of Colossians 3. “Anger” represents a chronic state of existence. The Lord was angry, and righteously so. He was able to separate the sin of anger, however, from the sinner upon whom He be stowed His divine love. We need to follow this pattern in our lives, too. Next comes wrath. We might de fine this as a quick temper. Too many people have tongues that get into high speed before their minds ever go into gear! The third word is “malice.” Some one has described malice as the men- SHEEP OF HIS HAND It may seem sometimes that the lambs Of pastures green and fair— Are favored more than those who seek The Shepherd's daily care. But no! For all the sorrowing Who bring to Him their woes— A table is before them spread, Each cup He overflows. These are the sheep of His kind hand, They know and love His voice; He gathers them so close to Him Their very hearts rejoice! — Esther Belle Heins tal brew which remains after anger and wrath have completed their task. In other words, it is the bitter dregs in the cup of life which become the stimulation for our p o i s o n o u s thoughts about others. It is a strong desire and urging “to get even.” The fourth thing is “blasphemy,” both against man as well as God. A person may say, “Well, I never swear.” But have you ever said any thing malicious about someone else that was unnecessary? The Word of God says, “With the tongue there with bless we God, and therewith curse we men.” The fifth thing to put off is filthy communication. Why do we wear the rag of criticism, fault-finding and
have continued in such lascivious sins of thought or deed will have to pay for them. Some day it will mean con signment to hell because of their re jection of Jesus Christ as Saviour. Look at verse seven of Colossians three, where we read, “In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.” In other words, Paul is telling believers, “Don’t fool your self. We weren’t any better than the rest of the world; we have been sub ject to the same passions.” This is why we are exhorted in ‘Proverbs, "Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” If the lake is muddy, the streams which issue from the lake likewise will be polluted. Verse eight of Colossians 3 gives us a listing of the things we are to put off. Glancing back, we see the five things we are to kill in verse five, while here there are six things we are to put off in verse 8, and then, later, verses twelve through fourteen tell us in a positive sense what we are to put on. There are seven of those. We recognize six as the num ber of imperfection while seven is traditionally the number of perfec tion, and we are to put on that exact number. The five things which are to be killed represent man’s rela tionship to himself. In this next cate gory of six things to put off, we find that which represents man’s relation ship to others. First of all, we were talking about the sins of passion; now we are talking about the sins of disposition. “But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.” You see, while we may not be able to kill these things, the Spirit of God reminds us that we need never wear them. In the original the words put off have an even stronger connotation: put them clean off. In other words, there’s not to remain one single evi dence or indication of these things in our lives! In Proverbs 6:16 through 19 we are told, “These six
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