Biola Broadcaster - 1968-02

with all my heart.” On the other hand, however, while I might not have thanked God for it, still I could praise Him in it. I could rejoice in Christ in spite of the pain and sick­ ness of body. Then, again, there are those who thank God before things happen, or praise Him after it’s all over. But Scripture says “in” everything give thanks. Keep in mind that the life of praise, the life of power, the life of victory, is the life of joy. In the light of the near and glorious return of our beloved Saviour, is this what typifies your daily existence ? It’s not that, you rejoice now and again, but that you really are a joyful person. Is your life summed up as one of prayer? You may not spend long hours on your knees, yet all through the day, your heart is in touch with God. Are you a thankful Christian? This means far more than thanking Him for the meals provided. In every circumstance you are praising the Lord. Remember, “this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” If you want to know the Lord’s per­ fect will, this is what is required. May the Lord bless your heart in the study of these precious truths! Mr. Bill Ehmann (right), director of promotion and publicity for Biola, chats with LeRoy Me- Bee, a student who transfered this past year from the University of Oregon.

is through the Lord Himself that we participate in such a wonderful ex­ perience and union through faith. How interesting that we should “pray without ceasing.” Whenever prayer is mentioned, most of us come under deep conviction. The problem is too few pray sufficiently or earnestly enough. Prayer is not some sort of a safeguard from things which might happen to us. Prayer is far more than either a petition or an intercession. It is not a matter of just asking things for ourselves or for others. These are both included in prayer but are not the most vital matters. The essence of prayer is the two-way communion. It is not merely talking to God but essentially listen­ ing to Him as He speaks to us. Again, prayer is not a question of jumping out of bed in the morning with two or three minutes’ asking for routine blessings on this one and that one. Don’t be misled into think­ ing that the attitude of prayer can be mistaken for prayer itself. It’s not either by kneeling down that means we are praying. Too often is the mind filled with all kinds of material things although the lips may be moving in prayer. Prayer is secret, holy, blessed communion with our Lord Jesus Christ. We must be in a constant spirit of prayer. In tune with the Divine, we are in fellowship with the Infinite. As He walks and talks with us, we walk and talk with Him. Keep in mind that a life of joy is depen­ dent upon a life of prayer. The Bible enjoins us that in every­ thing we are to give thanks. This doesn’t say “for” everything give thanks. That’s not always possible. Some years ago, I had a throat infec­ tion which consisted of a small growth in the throat. It is supposed­ ly one of the most painful things one can endure. To take even the tiniest drop of orange juice is almost im­ possible. I was laid low in bed for about ten days. In such an experi­ ence, how could anyone honestly say, “Oh God, I do thank Thee for this


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