gossip? We need to repeat the Psalm ist’s prayer daily, “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, 0 Lord, my strength and my Re deemer.” Have you noticed on tele vision how frequently it is the dou ble-meaning joke which draws the laughter and even applause of the crowd? The unfortunate thing is that filthy communication finds its way out of the mouths of Christians who have become ensnared in these insidious habits of the world. Finally, we are told to put off lying (v. 9). How unfortunate that Paul, under the Spirit’s inspiration, should have to remind believers to be done with things which are untruth ful! How can such a life be recon ciled to that of our Saviour who is all truth? In verse ten of Colossians three, we are reminded in a positive vein to “Put on the new man which is re newed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him.” It is in teresting to realize that while the old nature perishes, yet the new man, or the new nature, is renewed day by day. It was Ponce de Leon who vainly searched for the perpet ual fountain of youth. He never found it. Yet, in actuality, here in the Word of God we do have “the fountain of youth.” Have you seen the magazine adver tisements for men’s hair coloring? You take one hand to cover the gray ing side of the head to see what the person would look like if his hair were all black. It’s quite an interest ing and effective experiment. But, here’s something far better than those Clairol ads. Did you know that the Lord has a way whereby we may maintain our eternal youth? It is by being renewed in knowledge after the image of God who created us. One of “Dear Abby’s” columns in trigued me in which a reader was asking how she might get back her youthfulness. She wrote, “I’d like to have that old sparkle back in my eye.
How can it be done?” Dear Abby, in a wisdom beyond her understanding, I think, sagely pointed out, “Why, to get the sparkle back in your eye, you’d have to be born again!” She really meant physically, but I’m talk ing about a spiritual renewal. Man desperately needs to be born again by personal faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. FROM A LOVED ONE IN HEAVEN I would not have you grieve for me today Nor weep beside my vacant chair. Could you but know my daily portion here You would not, could not, wish me there. I know now why He said, “Ear hath not heard." I have no words, no alphabet. Or even if I had I dare not tell Because you could not bear it yet. So, only this— I am the same, though changed, Like Him! A joy more rich and strong Than I had dreamed that any heart could hold, And all my life is on^ glad song. Sometimes when you are talking to our Lord He turns and speaks to me. Dear heart, In that rare moment you and I are just The distance of a word apart! And so, my loved ones, do not grieve for me Around the family board today; Instead, rejoice for we are one in Him, And so I am not far away. — Martha Snell Nicholson Colossians 3:11 tells us: “Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, cir cumcision nor uncircumcision, Bar barian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.” There are four different sets or categories given here. Each one tells us something ex tremely important. The first is na tionalities. In the body of believers
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