Q . San Diego, Calif. — “My husband God is real although we have never says he is a Christian but he doesn’t conduct family worship. Should I do it or just forget about it altogether?" A. These are difficult problems to face and it is difficult to give a gen eral answer. Why not ask your hus band if he would mind your doing it ? One of the most important aspects of family life is communication be tween individuals. Have prayer be fore meals, read the Bible at the close of the evening meal, or at what ever time would be most convenient. Do nothing which would be antagon istic or appear to be nagging. Be sure to have your own private devo tions, as well as to encourage your children to develop times when they, too, will meet privately with the Lord. seen Him. This is even as we know the love our parents have for us is real, but we haven’t actually seen that love, nor has any instrument with the finest calibration measured it. Present the truths to these girls in a straight-forward manner. Their hearts of implicit faith are usually much more inclined to believe the truth. Q . San Luis Obispo, Calif. — “Even though I am a Christian I have very little desire to read my Bible. One preacher I heard recently said that if an individual feels this way he would question whether he is really a Christian. Can you tell me why I’m so weak in my devotions?"
A. This is unfortunately common to all too many Christians. One is not saved because he does or does not read his Bible. The normal Christian life, however, is one that is encom passed by a sincere love and devo tion for' God’s work. We all, includ ing ministers, must be careful that we do not judge one another’s habits in this important area. This is in no way minimizing the vital importance of Bible reading. When you get a letter from a loved one, you read it and then after it’s finished, you may read it again and perhaps yet again. You will then put it to one side and when you have more time to sit down and meditate upon its contents, you will think through the message. This ought to be our attitude as we read God’s Word. It is His love letter to all mankind. We ought to have such a close relationship with Him that we are thinking about Him at all times. Someone has said, “Read the Bible as you eat a fish. There may be por tions you don’t understand. Set them 23
Q . La Porte, Colo. — “My Junior Sun day School girls asked, ‘When we get to heaven, will we see Jesus and God the Father, too?’ How may I best explain this to them, and what about the Holy Spirit?” A. There are some very fine Bible teachers who believe that we will only see the Lord Jesus Christ since He is the only One of the Godhead who became incarnate. They feel that no one can see a spirit which is true with our present human limitation. In a coming hour, however, we shall know, even as also we are known. Look at Revelation 22:4 in which there is a clear indication that we will see all Three Persons of the Godhead. There are some things we can’t see with our eyes, nor hear with our ears, but that doesn’t mean they are not there. Consider radio and the sound waves in existence. Explain to the girls that we know
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