24 hours. But this is not the way the Jewish people figured it at all. Any part or fraction of a day was considered as a full day. We believe Christ was crucified on a Friday. While the early church may have forgotten many things, d e p a rtin g vastly from areas of the original revelation, it would seem that the records would have been retained on this greatest event of all history. The Saviour was raised again from the dead on the first day of the week. Regardless of the exact day, how ever, thank God He died and rose again for our justification. Q . Sun Valley, Calif. — “I ’d like to know the difference between incar nation, reincarnation, and resurrec tion." A. Incarnation is used theologically in connection with the fact that God became Man indwelling human flesh. It is used exclusively for the coming to this earth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Reincarnation is something altogether different. Some religions such as Hinduism, hold to the con cept that a person dies and then is born again into some other form, ani mal, or other creature. Resurrection, of course, is a Christian word that has to do with the fact that we, as be lievers in the Lord Jesus Christ, will be reunited spirit, soul and body, raised again, fashioned like unto His glorious resurrection body. There is also the resurrection of the wicked dead, spoken of in John 5:29. It is referred to as the resurrection of damnation. Those so involved will be consigned finally and eternally to hell. This is the Great White Throne Judgment, recorded in Revelation 20. Q . Spokane, Wash. — “We have had a question in our Bible class which has confused us in the study of Revela tion. Since all the evil ones have sup posedly been killed during the tribu lation and the believers rule on earth during the millennium with the Lord,
Spirit can get into our minds to see what’s there. He searches the inner most recesses of a man’s heart. This does not mean that we should never pray out loud. There is a very valid place for public prayer. When we pray we are actually coming to God the Father, through the mediation of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit. James 1:13-16 shows us that evil thoughts come from Satan seeking a receptive heart which will yield to the temptation. The devil suggested things to the Lord Jesus Christ in temptation but he never put them in his mind in the sense that they settled down there. The best way to turn away these enticements is as the Saviour did through the practi cal application of Scripture. Q. Warwick, R.l. — “Do you people at Biola believe in the imminent return of the Lord?’’ A. We most certainly do! We read in Matthew 23:13, “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man com- eth.” We are to be in constant readi ness. All the way through the New Testament are ample scriptural ref erences to this truth of the soon re turn of our Saviour. Q . Portland, Ore. — “Was Christ cru cified on Thursday or Friday? I f Friday, how can we account for three days and three nights (Matthew 12:U0)?” A. This passage parallels the expe rience of Jonah and his experience in the belly of the great fish. The question seems to recur frequently of late. Some Bible teachers believe our Lord was crucified on Wednesday. The purpose is to get three days and three nights of 24 literal hours each. The real question is resolved, how ever, depending on whose reckoning of time you use. We figure in the 20th century 1440 minutes for each
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