main behind facing certain destruction. When one young sailor learned of his fate, he turned deathly pale, and wailed, “But I’m not ready to die; I don’t want to be lost.” As the lifeboat started over the side, he was lifted bodily into the last remaining seat. The older sailor who forfeited his place so that the youth could be saved, shouted after him, “You’re not ready to die, but I am. I ’m willing to offer my life for yours. Just one thing: make certain that I meet you in heaven!” Those were his last words. The older Christian seaman made the sacrifice as the lifeboats pulled away like bobbing corks on the stormy crests. Moments later, the proud ship and those remaining disappeared beneath the angry waves. Such a night mare experience no one could soon for get. The spared youth sought out spir itual guidance and was wonderfully led to Christ. He never sailed again, but went into the ministry, often testify ing, “For me, two had to die. That wonderful old sailor as well as my Lord Jesus Christ.” Facing the new year ahead, have you ever realized that One had to die for you? The Bible as sures us, “I f any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. All things are passed away; behold, all things are become new!” * * * We can rightlyjudge a man's standing by his kneeling. * * * SACRIFICIALLOVE There is a wonderful story of a faithful mother who lived in the Scot tish highlands. As a poor widow, she sought to give her all to her precious boy. One day, it was necessary to trdvel to the city some 10 miles away. As she crossed through the mountains, with the boy, an early winter snow hit the area. Soon the flurries sapped her 29
DON’T LOOK BACK Sports enthusiasts will recognize that Roger Bannister was the first man in history to run a mile in less than four minutes. Several years later, however, John Landy topped that record by l.U seconds. Recently the two met in Van couver, British Columbia for an his toric race. Coming around the track, Landy was ahead on the last lap. It seemed certain that he would win. The finish line was in sight but for some reason he looked over his shoulder, try ing to find out where Bannister was. By doing so, he lost step. In that in stant, the earlier victor surged past him to win the race. When it was all over, L a n d y lamented to reporters, “I f I hadn’t looked back, I would have won the race.” Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle Paul com pares the Christian life to a race, ex pressing the danger if we fail to keep our eyes fixed solidly upon the final goal. In these crowded days of the new year, with various opportunities afford ed, as far as our time is concerned, may we lay aside every u>eight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. * * * Arguing is like a mental dust storm which obscures the vision. * * * TWICE SAVED There will be storms in 1968, but you can face them victoriously through Christ. As a ship foundered in the storm, its captain gave the fateful orders to abandon the vessel. Unfor tunately, however, not all of the life boats worked and panic swept the pas sengers and crew. Lots were quickly cast to see who would have the privi lege of the lifeboat and who would re
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