T hrough the centuries, spiritually hungry hearts have cried out to the Lord for revival. The Psalmist beseeched, “Wilt thou not revive us again?” (Psa. 85:6). I wonder if we are really concerned about spiritual renewing and if, in this day of such fearful and false conception, under stand the true definition of this term. What man desperately needs in his accelerated plunge downward is a strong turning of his heart to God in humble submission. The profess ing church seems to have no concern, but rather is conformed to the world in all of its secularistic and material istic goals. First of all, there must be a con trition of heart. We must be bent and broken sufficiently to feel that hurt which our coldness, stubborn ness, and penitence, have inflicted upon the heart of Christ. We must endeavor to sense the deep longing of the Psalmist when he said, “Wilt thou not revive us again?” His present spiritual status was lamentable. He knew the source of blessing. The prayer was neces sarily brief. Desperation never en gages in lengthy supplications. “Lord save me!” cried Peter, as the waters began to overflow. It got results. The Psalmist sought restoration, for something was lost. Real revival comes when there is a willing waiting upon God, a sin cere confession of sin, a longing to be forgiven, a readiness to make restitution, a voluntary abandonment to the Lord of all we are and have, an eagerness to know His Word and will, a determination to practice the truth as God reveals it, and a private personal life which is in complete harmony with the public testimony. First, God wants to revive His
people. What father would ignore the sickliness of his child? What parent could be indifferent to the waywardness and disobedience of his children? When the apostle Peter spoke of stirring up the minds of the people by putting them in remem brance, he employed a term which meant “to awaken fully.” Our Fa ther wants, with affectionate longing, to infuse us with His abundant life. God wishes to renew His presence. It is the recognized presence of God that humbles the heart, strengthens the soul and encourages devotion. Moses had the assured promises, “My presence shall go with Thee.” God will manifest H i s presence among His people when conditions permit Him to do so. The benediction had just been pro nounced at the close of an evening meeting in a church .in Pennsylvania. It had been an ordinary service when someone in the congregation began singing, “I’ve wasted many a pre cious year, Now, I’m coming home.” The sudden unannounced sing ing gradually increased in fervor as the lyrical confession filled the sanctuary. Forty responded without an invita- Dr. S. F. Logsdon, Bible Teacher and Conference Speaker, Wheaton, Illinois.
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