upon the Saviour. You know, it s one thing to listen to a Christian broadcast but it’s entirely different actually to study the original, the Word of God, for yourself. How sad and tragic that we miss this privilege and opportunity! As we see the day of Christ’s return approaching, let’s be more diligently and earnestly “hooking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ." * * » If there are notears for the eyes, then there will we no rainbow for the soul. * * * ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT Those who have been clever enough to invent things usually continue to scrutinize their p ro d u c t constantly, seeking ways of further refinement and improvement. This is true no matter what the item may be. One of the old established breakfast cereals came out with a new advertising campaign, her alded by an attractive brand-new box for their product. The simple sales mes sage centered around the fact that the food was so good no one was able to make it better. Their new slogan, “Since we couldn’t improve the product, we improved the box.” While that may work for a cereal, it certainly has no place in our spiritual lives. Religious systems endeavor to refine and culti vate the exterior of man, failing all the while to meet his real basic needs. Re generation is not synonomous with re formation. To be bom again means that all things are become new, not that men have just a reformed exterior. Therefore, he 'who believes on Christ is not condemned, but he who believes not is condemned already because he has not believed on the name of the only-begotten, eternal Son of God! * Life's greatest tragedy is to lose God and still not miss Him. * * * GUARANTEEING PROMISES These are days of new styles and fashions, although, generally speaking, men’s clothes remain the same. A near by men’s furnishing store in Pomona sold a corduroy shirt to one of its cus tomers back in 1935. It seems the fellow was told by the salesman that it would * *
strength. She knew she would never make it. When she was found the next day, her body was almost stripped of clothing. Her chilled hands had wrapped her garments around the little lad who was safe and sound. Some years later the preacher-son of the old minister, who had conducted her funeral, was pastoring in Glasgow. In the sermon that- day he told the story his father had so o fte n used in illustrating Christ’s sacrificial love. Several days later, he was called to a hospital bed side, where a dying man explained that in the cold he had happened by the church. Stopping in to get warm, he had heard the story. He confessed that he had little thought for God or church. But the message of the highlands widow and now his sudden severe illness brought him face-to-face with the real ity of eternity. Then the pastor was amazed to hear him say, “I ’m that boy. Never did I forget my mother’s love, but I never saw the love of God in giv ing Himself for me until now. My moth er didn’t die in vain. Her prayer is answered.” H o w wonderfully God’s Holy Spirit works in bringing us to a realization of our need of salvation. This Scottish widow’8 love reminds us of Christ who was rich, yet for our sakes became poor, that we, through His poverty, might be made rich! * * * One of the Devil's many wiles is "W ait a while." * * * VALUE OF THE ORIGINAL A rt has always been fascinating me. How someone can capture on canvas a scene as it actually exists in nature is amazing me. Seated alongside of a river bank, easel in front of him and palette in hand, an artist was painting a beau tiful landscape with the water, trees, and majestic mountains in the back ground. A stranger happening by sug gested that it would be much easier to do the work in the comfort of big, warm, sheltered home. Setting aside his brush for a moment, the artist replied, “You may be right, but I must keep looking at the original.” When we appropriate Jesus Christ, and begin to grow in Christian ma turity, the Holy Spirit faithfully guides us. Our responsibility is to make cer tain that our eyes always are focused
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