Biola Broadcaster - 1968-02

■ by Dr. Bruce W. Dunn Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Illinois The second observation is that sal­ vation means something done in us as well as for us. It is true that God, in Christ, has done much for us. He died for our sins, to be sure. As we come to appropriate these truths with all of our hearts, another miracle takes place. Philippians 1:6 reminds us that “He which hath begun a good work in you, will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Here is a new capacity for God. We now have new affections and new aims in life. No longer do we judge things by the standard of the flesh anymore. God has given us the enlightenment of this Holy Spirit. It is now the love of Christ which constrains us. Every­ one who professes to be a Christian, to have accepted Christ by faith, should have an awareness that the Lord has begun a work within our soul that is still going on and ulti­ mately will be perfected when we see Jesus and are made like unto Him. Has God done a work in your heart? Is your religion external — a ritual? Or, can you say, “Yes, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into my heart. I am in Christ and He is in me” ? Dr. Bruce W. Dunn, Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Illinois.

NEW CREATIONS T here is only one way to find eter­ nal life. Salvation insists on be­ ing in Christ. II Corinthians 5:17 tells us “If any man be in Christ he is a new creature.” Jesus testified, “No man knoweth the Father saveth the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him.” This is fol­ lowed by that wonderful promise, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden.” We are not saved by changing environments or conditions. The cry today is, “Get people out of the slums, and there will be a difference!” While we don’t advocate people living with a handi­ cap, yet the problem with mankind is in the heart, not in his material possessions or surroundings. By faith man has to enter into a spiritual union with Christ. In the Old Testament we read of Noah and his family who, at God's appointed time, entered into the ark. They closed the door and once over that threshold, they were saved from the flood. Becall God’s designated cities of refuge. A person who killed another by accident could flee there and escape revenge. This is what we must do concerning Christ in our new relationship with Him. There in Him we are safe from the storms of judgment under His care and pro­ tection. “In Christ” is a much deeper ex­ perience than simply having a form of religion or being a church mem­ ber. We enter into Christ by a per­ sonal encounter with Him. This re­ quires personal surrender and com­ mittal to Him. By this person-to-per­ son confrontation we see the claims which He makes upon our soul. Here we find the knowledge and reality of our sins which need to be forgiven and washed away. “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”


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