One other thing I want to point out is that when we are in Christ, we are a new creation. You see, to create is God’s prerogative. By the new birth, God Himself enters into our hearts, making our bodies the temple of His Holy Spirit. He creates in us a new spirtual life. For the first time we become a whole person. Does this describe your experience or are you just another church member? There should be a new awareness and a new love for the Lord. Do you have a new desire to serve Him? We underscore the fact that in Christ a man is a new creation. It is not that he eventually will become one; he is one right now. It is im possible to meet the Saviour without something new coming into our lives. We may not be all that we ought to be yet, but once we come to Christ, and really turn the reins of govern ment over to Him, a new dimension to life is added. If you have not al ready done so, God help you to make such a committal to Him this very day! White-shirted Alumni reach for a basketball rebound in a game with the varsity squad of Biola College. Although activity pictured would seem to favor the Alumni, the final score was a loss of 55 to 100. m H ' m ■gift EgflVpg f / i l IfOKl m i \ / ■* h i i
TH E LIFE T H A T C O U N T S The life that counts must toil and fight; Must hate the wrong and love the right; Must stand for truth, by day, by night— This is the life that counts. The life that counts must hopeful be; In darkest night make melody; Must wait the dawn on bended knee— This is the life that counts. The life that counts must aim to rise Above the earth to sunlit skies; Must fix its gaze on Paradise— This is the life that counts. The life that counts must helpful be; The cares and needs of others see; Must seek the slaves of sin to free— This is the life that counts. The life that counts is linked with God; And turns not from the cross— the rod; But walks with joy where Jesus trod— This is the life that counts. HOM E Our earthly homes are simple things Of plaster and of board. Sometimes as humble as the nest Built by a wildwood bird. And yet through all our lives our hearts Cling to the childhood home Of hallowed, precious memories, No matter where we roam. And so I often think about How dear, how very dear. Our heavenly home will come to be With every passing year. That home where we shall meet and dwell With loved ones gone before, And sometimes, looking up, shall see Our Lord come through the door. O lovely home, where fulfilled joys Become rich memories, And ever sweeter pleasures crowd Age-long eternities! — Martha Snell Nicholson
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