2021 YIR_v10_High


Fischhoff Wins the 2021 Sigma Xi William Proctor Prize for Scientific Achievement Baruch Fischhoff, Howard Heinz University Professor in the Institute for Politics and Strategy and the Department of Engineering and Public Policy, received the 2021 Sigma Xi William Procter Prize for his work in risk perception, risk communication and decision science research. In acceptance of the award, he presented “Science Communication for the Masses of Scientists” at the 2021 Sigma Xi Annual Meeting and Student Research Conference.

Gonzalez Named 2021 Fellow of Cognitive Science Society, receives MURI grant

The Cognitive Science Society announced seven research scientists, including the Department of Social and Decision Sciences’ Cleotilde Gonzalez , as a 2021 Fellow of Cognitive Science Society. Gonzalez’s research focuses on how people and machines make multiple, interdependent, real-time decisions while adapting to external changes and using past experience. In addition, Gonzalez and colleagues Lujo Bauer and Matt Fredrikson , received a prestigious U.S. Department of Defense Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative Award. Their project will address the challenge of human- bot cybersecurity teams, which are commonly deployed to combat cybersecurity threats and attacks but are not yet well understood.

Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Carnegie Mellon University 28

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