
8A —December 8 - 21, 2017 — Financial Digest — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


F inancial D igest

EW YORK, NY — ManageGo , the na- tionwide cloud-based N Enable renters to use Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin ManageGo announces 1st crypto currency rent payment platform onds, the system will convert and transfer cash to a property manager’s account. All tenants need is their own coin wallet and there is no crypto risk for the property manager.

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and will roll out the exclusive feature during the first quarter of 2018 across their property management client network. ManageGo is the only major cloud-based real estate solution that provides property manag- ers with customized, client- branded online and mobile front-end tenant portals. Along with other accepted forms of payment, such as checking account, debit card, and credit card, the crypto option will be integrated into a property manager’s website. Tenants will simply log in, select the payment option, and in sec-

tenant pay- m e n t a n d p r o p e r t y management platform, will now enabl e renters to use three of the most widely- accepted cryp- tocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethe- reum and Litecoin. ManageGo has already com- pleted a number of cryptocur- rency payment transactions ChaimLowenstein

$6,360,000 $35,000,000 $20,400,000 252-Unit Multifamily Bridge Loan 161-Unit Multifamily Permanent Loan Office Construction Loan Tulsa, OK Philadelphia, PA Bethlehem, PA 80% LTV, 36 Months, LIBOR + 450 bps 75% LTV, 10/30, 5.5%, Non-Recourse, Full-Term I/O 90% LTC, 24 Months, 4.625%

A cryptocurrency is a digi- tal asset designed to work as a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure code, manage transactions and verify transfer of assets. “ManageGo is leading the evolution to facilitate safe, secure rental payments using cryptocurrency,” said Chaim Lowenstein , ManageGo VP of business strategy. “Our exclusive program is the first we know of that easily enables tenants to pay a rent or other expenses using Bitcoin or other approved cryptocurrencies.” “This Bitcoin advpancement is going to be historic, in the same way giving tenants the option to write a check instead of handling large amounts of cash every month changed the way people pay rent,” said Ja- cob Bernat , president of Plaza Management. “We’re pleased to be one of the first to offer our tenants this convenient, no- risk, instantaneous payment method.” n services, a proper provider- patient relationship must be established, and various reg- istration and record-keeping requirements must be adhered to. Applicable professional li- censing boards will adopt regu- lations while implementing the provisions of the Act, but providers do not have to wait for those as the Act has already taken effect. All telemedicine organizations operating in New Jersey will need to register with the New Jersey Department of Health and file annual reports with specific encounter data which will be compiled to help analyze telemedicine regula- tions and telemedicine’s impact on the health care industry. Telemedicine will directly benefit New Jersey’s patient population that finds it difficult to schedule in office physician visits while maintaining the quality of care and patient safety. It provides improved patient access while extend- ing the reach of physicians beyond their office. Debbie Nappi is senior healthcare manager at Sax . n continued from page 2A Telemedicine in NJ: The Future . . .

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