10B — December 8 - 21, 2017— Northern New Jersey — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
N orthern N ew J ersey Board welcomes new president and secretary CRE industry leaders Evanski and Watkins named to new roles at EOPOA
E ast Orange/Jer- sey C i ty / West Orange, — Phillip
nization committed to advanc- ing the City of East Orange’s renaissance. In addition,
and dedication in bringing the city’s landlords and of- ficials together and creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and collaboration,” said Evanski, who noted Sha- piro is retiring as managing member of Shapco Prop- erty Management (SPM) . “By working closely with the city’s Administration, we will continue to improve the living standards for all tenants in East Orange.” Under Shapiro’s steward- ship, the EOPOA and its lead- ership team achieved several key milestones. These includ-
ed hosting the “State of the City of East Orange: Revital- ization and Investment Initia- tives” roundtable that focused on embracing and capitalizing on urbanism; piloting three integral City of East Orange ordinance amendments; and being named the Best New Industry Association for 2016 by a regional real estate pub- lication. EOPOA is comprised of members with interests in the emerging East Orange submarket as they pertain to multi-family properties of 25+ or more units. While owners
of smaller multi-family dwell- ings are welcome, the group also welcomes new members with ownership/management interests in larger buildings as well as industry profes- sionals specializing in the legal, accounting and lending sectors. n Sheldon Gross Realty completes nine transactions
Evanski , a m a n a g i n g member o f Equis Real- ty Partners, LLC based in Jersey City, has been ap- pointed pres- ident of the
Marc Wat- kins , CEO o f R o c k - ledge Ven- tures, LLC, of West Or- ang e , ha s been named secretary. “On behalf
Phillip Evanski
Marc Watkins
of my fellow board mem- bers and the EOPOA’s entire membership, I would like to extend our gratitude to Pe- ter Shapiro for his vision
board of directors of the East Orange Property Owners Association (EOPOA) , an industry-unique commercial real estate membership orga-
HILLSBOROGH, NJ — Nine separate lease and lease renewal contracts have re-
cently been c omp l e t e d at Hillsbor- ough’s Val- ley Park Cor- porate Park, a m u l t i - b u i l d i n g , mu l t i - t en - anted corpo-
Jonathan Glick
rate park located on Route 206. Sheldon Gross Realty executive vice president Jon- athan Glick handled each of the following transactions: • Lease Renewal – 4,340 s/f – Hot Runner Technol- ogy, Inc. • Lease Renewal – 3,281 s/f – Classic Hardware • Lease Renewal – 4,092 s/f – Indipets, Inc. • Lease Renewal – 925 s/f – Elitec, Inc. • Lease Renewal – 2,242 s/f – The Athlete’s Choice • Lease Renewal – 2,282 s/f – Affiliated Electronics • Lease Renewal – 2,776 s/f : JPC&L • Lease – 3,281 s/f – Parisi Barbell • Lease – 6,745 s/f – DMI “Valley Park Corporate Park is an ideal, central lo- cation for its tenants,” Glick observes. “What’s also terrific is that the spaces are unique – so companies seeking a lo- cation can identify the exact space for their particular requirements.” The park offers office, research, lab, industrial and warehouse spaces. n
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