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communautaire community link Le lien The Embrun Le Club Joie de Vivre 50+ d’Embrun organise son premier souper-danse de l’année, lemercredi 21 septembre 2016, à la Salle des Chevaliers de Colomb à partir de 17 h 30. Réservation avec Hughette Blanchard au 613-443-2862 ou Danielle Servais au 613-443-2867 avant le 19 septembre. Le Club Joie de Vivre 50+ d’Embrun offre des cours pour tablettes électroniques, au niveau débutant, pour le bridge et la généalogie, en septembre 2016. Inscriptions jusqu’au 2 septembre. Contacts : Huguette Blanchard, 613-443-2862, Jean Lacasse, 613-443-1148 et Ginette Wakulczyk, 613-443-2862. Le Club Joie de Vivre 50+ d’Embrun commence son année de quilles le mercredi 14 septembre à 13 h, à la salle de quilles d’Embrun. Les gens intéressés sont invités à se joindre. Information : Pierrette Roy au 613- 443-3305. Cours de danse en ligne le vendredi 16 septembre à la Salle des Chevaliers de Colomb, 5, rue Forget. Pour plus d’informations, contacter Gisèle Adam au 613-764-3416. Les Filles d’Isabelle du Cercle Ste- Jeanne d’Arc organisent un whist militaire, le dimanche 2 octobre, 5, rue Forget. RSVP Fleurette Royer, 613-443- 3109, ou Irène Plante, 613-443-3097. Limoges Looking for experiencedmixed vol- ley-ball players to play at the Limoges Community Centre (205 Limoges Rd.) Thursday evenings, starting on Sep- tember 1 and ending on December 22 (17 nights), from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Cost depends on number of participants but is usually around $50 for the season. Please contact major907@hotma if interested. Les services communautaires de Prescott et Russell et le Club du Bonheur de Limoges tiendront leur dîner mensuel, le 23 septembre à 12 h, au sous-sol de l’église de Limoges. Pour réservation, contactez Réjeanne au 613-443-5498. Casselman Le Centre de santé communautaire de l’est de l’Ontario et le Club 60 de Casselman offriront un programme d’exercices pour les aînés de la région. Les classes débuteront le 20 septembre à 9 h 30 au Centre communautaire Paul-Émile Lévesque à Casselman et tous les mardis subséquents. Veuillez- vous inscrire avant le 9 septembre en appelant Jacques au 613-764-7350 ou Cécile au 613-764-5784.

Fire dispatch issue smoulders away


The future of fire dispatch service continues as a burning issue for several municipalities in Prescott-Russell. Hawkesbury Mayor Jeanne Charlebois delivered her town council’s resolution on thematter to her fellowmayors at the Sept. 13 committee of the whole session for the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR). Hawkesbury town council wants the UCPR to take on fire dispatch as a regional service but the suggestionmet with a cool reception from both the other mayors at the UCPR table and also counties administration. Stéphane Parisien, UCPR chief administrator, explained, during both the counties session and during a later interview, that fire dispatch service is the responsibility of individual municipalities and not a duty of the counties. “It’s not up to the counties to take over fire dispatch,” he said. “And why would we take over something with no clients?” Hawkesbury has provided bilingual fire dispatch service for several years for itself and six other communities in Prescott- Russell, as well as for North Glengarry and North Stormont townships. Those two townships have now switched to Cornwall for their dispatch service and that has since raised the individual cost share for the six Prescott-Russell municipalities who still contract with Hawkesbury. Now they are all thinking of following the example of the City of Clarence-Rockland, which contracts with Ottawa’s fire dispatch program. Clarence-Rockland has been part of the Ottawa fire dispatch system since 2000. Hawkesbury has alsomade inquiries on its own to Ottawa. The problem now is that the City of Ottawa has stated that any new fire dispatch service agreement with the other Prescott- Russell communities must be as a single regional contract. It is not interested in having to work out the details for several new individual contracts. This leaves the other six municipalities needing an extension agreement for at least 18 months with Hawkesbury for continued fire dispatch service. Part of the

The fire dispatch service issue continues to smoulder on the tables of municipalities all across the United Counties of Prescott-Russell. —photo archives

reason, besides working out some kind of regional arrangement with Ottawa, is that each municipality needs to do a review of its existing fire dispatch communications equipment and relay tower setup. Meanwhile Mayor Charlebois has declared that she wants each of the six municipal councils to send a formal signed letter asking for a service contract extension. “Now they’d like to buy our services until they don’t need us anymore,” explained Mayor Charlebois during a phone interview Sept. 16. “So I have asked for a letter from each of them as our clients. I’ll wait for the letters.” The original resolution fromHawkesbury town council to the UCPR included a

200 potted trees to be planted The Raisin Region Conservation Authority (RRCA), in partnership with Tree Canada, is taking steps to create the area’s first edible forest.The project, funded by Tree Canada’s Edible Trees Program, is one of 20 projects approved among 167 applications across Canada. Its objective is to provide the local community access to wild tree and shrub edibles, as well as to learn about the health benefits of wild foods.Approximately 200 potted trees and shrubs will be planted to create the garden.“We want to make wild edibles more accessible to people,» said Normand Genier, RRCA’s forestry specialist. “They are all around us, extremely nutritional, fresh and free!”. The event will be held on September 10, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at Gray’s Creek Conservation Area. A Wild About Edibles workshop will also be held highlighting the benefits of wild foods, learning important identification features of wild edible species, and the correct harvesting methods and timing. – Francis Racine “We’re all in this together,” he said, “and we all need to co-operate with each other. To get something to happen, we’ll have to work something out.” suggestion that the counties should also take on 911 emergency call service as a regional program. Right now the UCRP contracts with the OPP for 911 service through a bilingual setup out of the OPP’s Orillia station. All sides agree discussion is needed to try to resolve the situation. Mayor Gary Barton of Champlain Township was the spokesman for the other municipalities at the beginning of the whole fire dispatch service issue. He observed during a phone interview Sept. 15 that both sides need to work together to reach a settlement.

Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

BERTRAND CASTONGUAY Président • President ROGER DUPLANTIE Directeur Général • General Manager FRANÇOIS LEGAULT Directeur • Director FRANÇOIS BÉLAIR

1158, Notre-Dame, C.P. / P.O. Box, 1170, Embrun, ON K0A 1W0 Tel.: 613-443-2741 • Fax.: 613-443-1865

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