WAPT Rehab. How To Solve Daily Aches & Pains

Simple Tips For Aches Relief

inboth repairing itself frompainor injury,aswellasprovidingapreventative. Fruits and vegetables help your body in maintaining its normal functions. • Exercise regularly - Exercise allows your body to efficiently pump blood around your body. When you exercise on a consistent basis, muscles and joints remain warm, lowering the possibility of them becoming tight. • Keep a good posture - Slouching causes stress on the shoulders and neck, which can cause pain or achiness.  If you sit at a desk or computer, it is important to get up every 30 minutes for a few seconds to stretch. Moving aroundorsimplystandingupafterawhile isagreatway tomaintainagood posture, even if you don’t have a very active day. • Get a physical therapy consultation - If your aches and pains are persistent and aren’t going away despite your best efforts, it may be time to consult a physical therapist.They will help you determine the best course of action for your specific needs. HOW PHYSICAL THERAPY WILL HELP: A consultation with a physical therapist will allow you to address the issues that you’re facing. It isalwaysbetter tofigureout thecauseofyourpainearlyon, rather than waiting until it gets worse.The earlier you make an appointment, the easier the treatment will be. Your physical therapist will give you a muscle and joint evaluation todiscoverproblemareasanddetermineexactlywhatmaybecausing your aches and pains. From there, they will create a personalized treatment plan for you that will help alleviate your aches. They are dedicated to your progress andgenuinelywant toseeyou feelbetter -sowhywait?CallWashintongPhysical Therapy & Rehab today 425.820.2110!

If you’re looking for quick solutions to improve your health and relieve aches and pains, try these simple tips: • Sleep! - This is probably the easiest step you can take to relieve common aches. Your body chemistry is delicate, and not getting enough sleep can affect that.Thispreventsyourmusclesand tissues from functioningas they normally would, resulting in stiffness, soreness, or achiness. • Stay hydrated - Drinking water is an important part of living a healthy, pain- free life. When you are dehydrated, your tissues become drier, which slows downnormalchemicalprocesses inyourbody.Yourbody is70%waterand yourmusclesare80%water.Whenyoudon’tdrinkenoughwater,yourbody canbecomeachydue todryness. Inorder tostayhydrated,youshoulddrink 1/2 your body weight in ounces every day. • Maintainahealthydietof fruitsandvegetables -Fruitsandvegetableswith brightcolorsoftenhaveahigherconcentrationofantioxidantsandvitamins. Bykeepingtheseaconsistentpartofyourdiet,youcanbetterassistyourbody

Relieve Leg Pain In Minutes Try this movement to relieve leg pain


The goal of Sudoku is to fill in the numbers 1-9 exactly once in every row, column, and 3 x 3 region.

HAMSTRING STRETCH Lie on the floor in a doorway. Rest your leg against the wall. Scoot through the doorway until you feel a stretch up the back of your thigh. Hold for 6 seconds then repeat 10 times on both sides.

Alwaysconsultyourphysical therapistor physicianbeforestartingexercisesyouare unsureofdoing.


Call 425.820.2110 or visit www.waptrehab.com to schedule your appointment today!

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