Master Builder Magazine: February - March 2025



Starting a business is not an easy undertaking, but FMB members repeatedly show how to make a success of it

C raig Bell hadn’t enjoyed his job for a while. The business he worked for was trying to get him off the tools and into a contract management role, and the company had hired new recruits that Bell didn’t think were a good fit. “I wanted to be on site with the others, working with customers, doing a good job for them,” Bell explains. “I didn’t want to be working on these big sites. I wanted to work in a small division, doing extensions and renovations giving customers exactly what they want, working directly with clients.” Then Covid hit and Bell marked the moment with a brave, bold and, ultimately, smart decision to go it alone. Three and a half years ago, he launched Marble Construction in Dundee, Scotland. “I can say now that Covid was the best time to make the change,”


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