Central Area Board at its meeting last year
Over the last couple of months, FMB Northern Ireland has responded to the recent consultation on the Programme for Government and the heat pump review led by the Department of the Economy. The FMB has also been involved in discussions with the Department of Finance around the validity of the CITB NI and the impact of the annual statutory levy on FMB members. Feedback to the department included calls for: ● Greater transparency in how grant funding is accessed by SMEs ● Better promotion of the wider benefits of CITB NI to show there is action around levy payments ● More communication with levy Reviewing the role of CITB NI
Business coaching and 2025 goals
Construction Coach Maria Coulter led a discussion on what members want to change in 2025. Key themes included: ● Finding the right clients and maintaining stability ● Greater clarity and transparency in client expectations ● Improved respect for the industry and fairer handling of pre-existing property issues. Maria highlighted her CITB- funded tech course starting this month, which is aimed at helping small builders to streamline operations and improve site safety through practical tech solutions. Lighthouse Charity – supporting our industry Cadena Sampson from the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity outlined its services, including a 24/7 helpline, financial
payers about the wider benefits of their contributions ● Demonstration of how the levy system delivers value to the industry ● Discussion on administration costs being the core use of funds ● More practical and relevant training ● Promotion of visible, modern and vibrant careers pathways promoted by CITB NI ● Greater consideration of the value of industry contributions to outcomes by CITB NI ● Discussion of costs of using certain CITB approved training companies being more expensive even if some
of the grant money is returned, leading to firms finding cheaper training elsewhere.
Economy Committee presentation FMB Northern Ireland Director Gavin McGuire was part of a housing panel presenting to the committee of eight Members of the Legislative Assembly
aid, and counselling. Gain quick access to the resources via the Lighthouse app or by scanning the QR code.
Wrapping up After a productive meeting, the Central board members headed to the Ye Olde Mitre across the road — something of a tradition for anyone attending a meeting at HQ.
(MLAs) on the need for a retrofit programme and funding to assist those involved. The chronic housing shortage and planning issues were part of the discussions as well ahead of the Programme for Government that is being launched.
Gavin McGuire presents to Members of the Legislative Assembly
CONTACT ● Nicola de Sousa , Central Director | Email: | Call: 07769 687 239
CONTACT ● Gavin McGuire , NI Director | Email: | Call: 07341 869 080
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