Master Builder Magazine: February - March 2025


We ask FMB members five quick-fire questions to gain a glimpse into the diverse world of Master Builders FIVE IN FIVE

Jason Hibberd

Jonny Greve

was celebrating its 21 st birthday. The client served a large cake with small cakes around the main cake. We had to all sit around the table and take turns saying nice things about Lulu the cat.

Jason Hibberd, Director of Feldon Builders Limited in the Southern Counties Jonny Greve, Director of Greve & Son in Sussex 1 What can’t you do without in your toolbox? Jason Hibberd: A tape measure and pencil. I have a packet of pencils because pencils always go missing around the site but they’re something we always need.

4 What’s your dream project? JH: A recent project of ours has been a Grade I listed building, which is such a great portfolio project. It has been an absolute pleasure to work on and to see how houses were built back in 1380. JG: My dream project is to be doing what we do now. We have several new build projects going on. I really like the one- off builds where the client is keen to use ordinary materials but to make their home stand out from standard houses. 5 If you weren’t a builder/ in construction, what would you do? JH: As my hobby is also motocross, I would either be building the racing tracks or competing as a professional Motocross rider. JG: If I wasn’t a builder I think I’d be an architect like my brother. It looks like an easier job.

Jonny Greve: These days I’d say it’s my laptop or ipad – mainly because I am off the

JG: I’d say on site we switch between a bit of KISS and Absolute 80s. Our favourite song on site is a bit of hip-hop so 50 Cent or Eminem when they come on. Or it could be a bit of Michael Jackson when we switch stations. 3 What’s the strangest request you’ve ever received from a client? JH : We had a client who asked us to take back off-cuts of timber for a refund from the builders’ merchants. In nearly 20 years of

working in the industry, this is about the worst I have received personally, which isn’t too bad. We have, however, heard of some horror stories from others. JG: The strangest request from a client is something I can’t really say publicly. But we were once invited to the birthday party of an elderly client’s cat, which

tools. But back when I was on the tools, it was my trowel.

2 What’s your go-to a favourite on-site song that gets everyone singing? JH: Radio X, mainly for Chris Moyles in the morning and everyone on site seems to like the station. radio station or what’s


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