
No matter your goal, it’s going to take focus and sacrifice.”

Best advice for new investors? “I started my journey at Quest and in the real estate industry as a senior in college, looking for an internship and a possible job opportunity post-graduation. What I found was so much more than just a career. In my time at Quest, I’ve been exposed to so many highly educated, skilled individuals across the real estate industry. With my knowledge about IRAs and investing, coupled with the guidance from more seasoned investors, I’m proud to say I’ve been able to complete several of my own investments in my Self-Directed IRA. It is vital to prepare for retirement and it’s never too early to start. I continue to be a sponge with every opportunity I get to learn from the many great people in this community. My best advice for the new or young investor is to tap into your network, take every opportunity to learn and don’t be afraid to take the plunge!”

Favorite quote? “One of my favorite quotes is from Dave Ramsey:

‘If you live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.’

In one of his books, he references this quote in relation to money management; however, I think it’s really appli - cable to so many facets of life. No matter your goal, it’s going to take focus and sacrifice. Whether you’re looking to improve your financial standing, get fit, build a mil - lion-dollar investment portfolio, or excel in your career – having strong goals and working hard pays off. You might watch others spend their time, money, or otherwise differently than you, but in the end you will be living like no one else.”

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