Suntory_Spring Production Guide

Tips for Producing

Princettia Euphorbias P RINCETTIA euphorbias offer opportunities to be presented as a premium gift plant year round. Available in four gorgeous shades of pink plus Max White, Princettia is perfect for pink holidays, including Valentine’s Day, Easter and Mother’s Day. Another prime opportunity is October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Plants are naturally compact with excellent branching, producing many flowers without pinching.

General Culture Princettias are a euphorbia hybrid, so many of the same cultural practices used to produce poinsettias success- fully are the same. However Princet- tia varieties are more compact with smaller bracts than most commercial poinsettia cultivars. Minor adjust- ments to culture should be made accordingly when Princettia varieties are produced with poinsettias. Princettia varieties branch freely. In smaller container sizes, pinching is not a requirement. However, in larger

containers (6 or 6.5”, 15-17 cm,) pinch- ing will produce a fuller plant. Consid- er using Cycocel after the pinch or the Florel® sandwich technique before and after pinch to enhance uniform branching. If Cycocel or Florel are used, monitor height closely after the application. This may be the only time plant growth regulators are needed throughout production. The bracts and leaves of Princettia are also smaller than traditional poinset- tias. Because of the smaller bract size, it is not recommended to grow

Princettia using cold-grow techniques that can be used for some poinset- tias. Grow and finish Princettia warm to produce the highest quality plants. Watering Because Princettia varieties are com- pact, irrigation frequency should be adjusted to reflect the slower growth rate. Monitor root health and avoid overwatering. Lighting Princettia varieties are photoperi- odic. Depending of the time of year


Suntory Spring Production Guide

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