Top 3 Angel Earring Varieties 1 Dainty
2 Cascade 3 Snowfire
S untory’s Angel Earrings fuchsias offer heat toler- ance, greater sun tolerance and a much higher flower count, expanding the possi- bilities for planting. The plants are also more compact and more controlled than most fuchsias, increasing produc- tion density and shelf life. The Preciosa, Dainty, Double Red and Mauve have upright habits that are ideal for patio pots, window boxes and as bedding plants. Traditional trailing varieties, Cascading and Snowfire, shine in hang- ing baskets. And the semi- trailing White offers the best of both worlds. Tips for Producing Angel Earrings Fuchsias
General Culture Rooted cuttings should be potted up as soon as possible into 4-inch to 10-inch pots. Use a well-drained peat/perlite mix with a pH of 6.0-6.5. After potting, rooted liners should receive a light watering in. The crop is best kept on the dry side to aid root development. Once roots are established, maintain moderately moist soil. Slow-released fertilizer can be used. The crop should be watered uni- formly throughout its life using a liquid nitrogen fertilizer at 200 ppm, changing to a higher potash feed as buds become clearly visible. After two weeks, plants will grow quickly and start to produce vigorous trailing shoots. These can be pinched to en- able the plant to bush out and make a good breaking habit.
Allan Says: Being a Montreal boy, I love fuchsias but realize they are not heat lov- ers. However, compared with most others we have trialed, I would not hesitate in recom- mending Angel Earrings anywhere. They are still fuchsias, but they are among the best for heat tolerance. – Dr. Allan Armitage
Suntory Spring Production Guide
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