Tips for Producing Sun Parasol Mandevillas
S UN PARASOL is the brand for Suntory’s collection of mandevilla hybrids. The genus mandevilla has many subgroups, including sanderi, boliviensis and amoena, which are all known for their climbing or trailing properties. Until recently, sanderi was the leading variety in North America. However, the market for mandevilla has changed dramatically with the arrival of Sun Parasol. The popular Crimson varieties are the first that stay true to color. ‘Sun Parasol Garden Crimson’ is capturing a lot of attention as the first bedding plant mandevilla.
Sun Parasol mandevillas are classified into four groups: • The Originals come in Crimson, Pink,
Cream Pink, Dark Red and White with bushy, compact growth and medium-sized flowers. Exciting novelties – Stars & Stripes and Bur- gundy – are available in limited supply. Plants have good branching, neat foliage and are natu- ral climbers suitable for pots, hanging baskets, balconies or as bedding plants and house plants. • The Giants are available in White, Pink, Crimson and Carmine King. The new Red Emperor is the best giant red mandevilla yet, with superior disease resistance and the ability to produce even more large flowers. They have a vigorous growing habit, coarse foliage and are natural climbers suitable for patios, balconies and as house plants in sunny areas. They are the clas- sic mandevilla. • The Pretty group , which comes in Pink, Crimson and new colors, Deep Pink and Deep Red, offers superior branching and vigorous growth. It can be grown in 4- and 6-inch pots. Flower size is the same as the Original group but foliage is glossy, thinner and more vining. Plants are natural climbers suitable for hanging baskets, patios and balconies. • The Garden group begins with Garden Crim-
Suntory Spring Production Guide
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