Suntory_Spring Production Guide

Experience the Suntory Difference! ✓ Extremely fast growing ✓ Outstanding garden performance ✓ Blooms profusely all season

General Culture Rooted cuttings should be potted as soon as possible into 4-inch to 6-inch pots. One liner per pot is recom- mended, using a well-drained peat/perlite mix with a pH between 5.5 and 5.8. Crop temperatures at this stage should be 55-60˚F. Watering is key, as overwatering will lead to root rot. A little-and-often regime is encouraged when plants are very young. Surfinias are heavy feeders and the use of slow-release fertilizer is recommended as they grow in addition to liquid fertilizer. Surfinia will require pinching to encourage the right habit and breaks to get a bushy and spreading plant. This should be carried out two weeks after potting. Surf- inia is responsive to daminozide (B-Nine), which can be sprayed at a rate of 2,500-5,000 ppm. A Bonzi drench can be applied at 1-3 ppm. Apply as needed. Surfinia grows rapidly in conditions of high light and high heat.

Surfinia Deep Red, Baby Deep Purple, Wild Plum, Bouquet Denim and Rose Veined – 2012 Top Performing Plants , The Ohio State University

Surfinia Wild Plum, Blue Veined and White improved – 2012 Prairie Star Winners , Kansas State University

Surfinia Bouquet Denim – 2012 Best of Species , Penn State University

Crop Timing • 4-inch pots – four to six weeks from one liner with one pinch • 6-inch pots – seven to eight weeks from one liner with two pinches • 10-inch baskets – 10 to 12 weeks with three liners and two to three pinches

great strength, along with resistance to mildew. A lot of seed-raised petunias at that time would be done for by late August. There also is no need for consumers to dead head the flowers. Surfinia is self cleaning. For the propagators, Surfinia is a dream to root – 3-4 weeks max on a bench. It responds to plant growth regula- tors (PGRs), especially B-Nine. Its branching habit makes an excellent 4-inch pot with a quick turn on the bench. It can be flowered easily in the pot and kept compact with PGRs or a dry regime. Keep plants cool and pinch the crop only once as a plug or in a 4-inch pot. Feed well through- out its entire life. Ensure they get plenty of fertilizer in final containers. Always use a slow-release product, such as Osmocote, in addition to liquid feed. They just can’t get enough! For larger containers and baskets, plant liners in odd numbers – three or five. For combinations, mix with mounding Million Bells calibrachoas, Desana ipomoeas or Temari verbenas.


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