Suntory_Spring Production Guide

Helpful Hints from John Barone Barone Garden Cicero, New York

I’ve grown Sungelonia for two seasons now and have been quite impressed. They are more com- pact and are earlier to flower than other series out on the market. They still like warmer tempera- tures and are better suited for the latter half of May in Northern areas. We did not use any plant growth regulators and pinched them once with great results. They have super deep-green foli- age and excellent flower count. They are just gorgeous and easy to grow. Sungelonias work well in containers and combinations. They finish well in 4-inch and 5-inch pots. Use multiple liners for pots that are 8 inches or larger.

Experience the Suntory Difference! ✓ Elegant, upright habit ✓ Uniform through series ✓ Compact, well-balanced form

Sungelonia series – 2012 Prairie Star Winner , Kansas State University

Sungelonia Deep Pink – Excellent Rating, University of Minnesota 2012 Top Picks , Plantpeddler trials


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