Suntory_Spring Production Guide

C RACKLING FIRE is the next generation of boliviensis begonias. Plants are loaded with flowers, easy to grow and have a sturdy, compact and upright habit sun tolerant than other begonias and presents well as a premium 4-inch item or hanging basket. This series has been very popular in Europe and six colors have been selected to be uniform across the series: Red, Orange, Pink, Yellow, Creamy Yellow and White. Crop Timing • 4-6 inch pots pots finish in four to eight weeks with one liner. • 10-inch baskets finish in eight to 12 weeks with three liners. temperatures. For optimal results, grow at 68˚F or higher for several weeks after potting. Later, temperatures can be reduced to 60˚F. Crackling Fire will not tolerate frosts and are not suited for growing under cool temperatures. Feeding Keep substrate pH between 5.2 and 6.0. Lean toward basic feeds versus acidic to prevent iron and manga- nese toxicity. Choose a Calcium Nitrate-based feed or a neutral feed, that prevents breakage. Crackling Fire is more Temperature These begonias like warm

Tips for Producing Crackling

Fire Begonias

General Culture Start with certified clean material from Suntory licensees. When plants arrive, water if necessary and pot them as soon as possible. Larger plugs can be planted later, as they will finish faster. Use a good quality bedding plant mix. Watering During production, it is wise to not water excessively, as begonias are prone to rots. This style begonia has strong drought resistance and does not need a lot of water. Begonias do not like high humidity and can rot when it is too moist. Lighting This style begonia can receive a lot of light and hardly needs shade. During the growing season, the more light the better.


Suntory Spring Production Guide

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