
Did You Know? One of the consistent components of the PCOA EnhanceFitness class is the strength routine for the lower body. The 7 exercises included are: sit-to-stand, seated leg extensions, calf raises, toe taps, side leg lifts, straight leg lifts and hamstring curls. These can all be done seated or 3-4 can be done standing. The attention to building strength and increasing mobility in the hip and ankle is the purpose. The 2 components of muscular strength and joint mobility contribute to the body’s ability to react to movement change, and to re- spond to the constant balancing act of walking and moving that we do in our lives. Strength helps us to be grounded and controlled. The fact that we can continue to build muscular strength our whole lives is amazing! So, start where you are, get as strong as you can, honor your body right where it is and be as active as you can. See page 10 for information about EnhanceFitness classes. In 2007, the CDC designated EnhanceFitness as an Arthritis Appropriate Evidence-Based Intervention (AAEBI). In 2017, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) designated EnhanceFitness as an evidence-based Fall Prevention program, in addition to Physical Activity and Chronic Disease Self-Management Support program.

Benefits of In-Home Care Many times, we are faced with situations we are not prepared for like a fall, surgery, or diagnosis of a chronic illness. It is in those moments when one begins to seek information and resources to assist with the changes. As a provider of non-medical in-home care services, PimaCare at Home strives to educate and provide individuals with the necessary information to remain safe and independent in the comfort of one’s own home before such situations arise. What are the benefits of in-home care? We provide assistance with companionship, safety monitoring, personal care, and nutritional assistance to name a few. PimaCare at Home personalizes care plans to meet the needs of the client and their environment. In-home care is an effective tool to help you adapt your home to your changing needs. In-home care also helps reduce social isolation. Many times, people are homebound and can become withdrawn and lonely. Having a caregiver in the home increases social engagement and confidence. Another benefit of in-home care is helping enable clients to keep their pets. Pets provide a great deal of comfort and companionship. Not having to worry about finding boarding or a new home for their loved pets also provides peace of mind. These are only a few benefits of receiving in-home care services. If you have any questions about non-medical in-home care services or are requiring services, please contact us (520)305-3445 or visit our website

Pima Council on Aging

October 2019, Never Too Late | Page 29

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