Why Do Your Muscles Ache?

“It’s Time You Find Relief For Your Back Pain! ” Did You Know You Can Walk Away Back Pain?

Are you like many people, suffering from aches and pains? A daily back or neck ache may be more of a nuisance than anything. However, episodes of pain can become progressively worse, lasting longer and traveling to other parts of your body. If you don’t stop the cycle of pain and discover the root cause of each painful episode, the accumulation of damage to your body may lead to eventual failure of the spinal structures and possible surgery. However, if you address and treat the cause of your pain early through physical therapy, drastic measures such as surgery can often be avoided. Here are some tips to help you battle daily aches and pains: 1. ICE & HEAT For muscle pain from overuse or injury, rest that body part and take acetaminophen or ibuprofen depending on what your doctor may advise you is best. Apply ice for the first 24 - 72 hours of an injury to reduce pain and inflammation. After that, heat often feels more soothing. 2. SLEEP Be sure to get plenty of sleep and try to reduce stress. The amount of sleep is dependent on your body. Some people only require 7 hours, others 9. Also, make sure you have a good mattress and sleep on your side or back with pillow support for your legs. If you sleep on your side, put the pillow between your legs. If you sleep on your back, put the pillow behind your thighs. 3. EXERCISE Regular exercise can help restore proper muscle tone. Walking, cycling and swimming are good aerobic activities to try. Be sure to warm up before exercising and cool down afterward. Our

experts at Centra Rehabilitation teach you stretching, toning and aerobic exercises to feel better and stay pain-free. Drink lots of fluids. Begin slowly and increase workouts gradually. Avoid high-impact aerobic activities and weight lifting when injured or while in pain. Consult one of our experts or your doctor before trying exercises you are unsure of doing. 4. PHYSICAL THERAPY Through our program, specialized hands-on techniques and treatments are applied, addressing the poor alignment and dysfunction of the spine, which can irritate and cause pressure on nerves. Physical therapy is the science of restoring pain- free movement with exercises and hands-on techniques. These principles are applied to the body when an injury is sustained to help facilitate a great recovery.

If you are suffering from aches and pains, call us today to learn more about how you can return to a pain-free active lifestyle!


Healthy Recipe

BRAN MUFFIN 11 Ingredients

Directions 1. Mix 2 cups all bran cereal and 2 cups shredded wheat with ½ cup boiling water. 2. Cover and set aside. 3. Cream 1 cup Crisco and 3½ cups sugar together. Add 4 eggs. 4. Combine 5 cups flour, 2 tsp salt, 4½ tsp baking soda and ½ tsp baking powder. 5. Mix cereal with creamed Crisco and sugar. Alternate with 1qt buttermilk. 6. Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Spray muffin pan with Pam cooking spray. Mix keeps up to 6 weeks in a covered bowl in icebox.

• 2 cups all bran cereal • 2 cups shredded wheat • ½ cup boiling water • 1 cup Crisco • 3½ cups sugar • 4 eggs • 5 cups flour • 2 tsp salt • 4½ tsp baking soda • ½ tsp baking powder • 1 qt buttermilk

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