Hygiene, Storage Hygiene, Aufbewahrung Higiene, Almacenaje Hygiène, Stockage Igiene, Magazzinaggio
Sterilizing Forceps, Needle Cases Sterilisierzangen, Nadeletuis Pinzas para esterilización, Estuches para agujas Pinces pour instruments stérilisés, Boîtes pour aiguilles Pinze per strumenti sterilizzati, Scatole per aghi
Needle Cases Nadeletuis
Estuches para agujas Boîtes pour aiguilles Scatole per aghi
AM25-121-50 AM25-121-65 AM25-121-75
AM25-122-50 AM25-122-65 AM25-122-75
50 x 25 x 4,5 mm 65 x 42 x 8 mm 75 x 25 x 4,5 mm
50 x 25 x 4,5 mm 65 x 42 x 8 mm 75 x 25 x 4,5 mm
1 ⁄
1 ⁄
Cheattle AM25-115-27 27 cm / 10 5 / 8 "
AM25-116-30 30 cm / 11 6 / 8 "
1 ⁄
AM25-149-13 135 x 100 x 25 mm Impression tray box
AM25-123-65 h = 18 mm Ø 67 mm complete with perforated interior box
AM25-124-65 h = 15 mm Ø 61 mm Interior Box, perforated lid and bottom
ca. 1 ⁄
1 ⁄
Sauerbruch AM25-120-21
Sauerbruch AM25-119-21 210 x 125 x 17 mm
perforated lid and bottom 210 x 125 x 17 mm
perforated lid and bottom
www. aprikosmedical .com
www. aprikosmedical .com
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